Iraqi special forces paused their advance in an eastern district of Mosul on Wednesday to clear a neighborhood of any remaining Islamic State militants, killing eight while carrying out house-to-house clearances.

Six of the militants were killed inside a tunnel in the newly-recaptured Gogjali neighborhood, while the other two were shot dead as they advanced on troops, Lt. Col. Muhanad al-Timimi of the Iraqi special forces told The Associated Press. One of the militants was wearing an explosives-laden vest, he added.

Meanwhile, hundreds of civilians cleared out of the adjacent neighborhood of al-Samah, some carrying white flags. All the women were wearing the niqab, a veil that entirely covers the face or only has a small, slit-like opening for the eyes, and all the men had long beards. ISIS strictly enforces an Islamic a dress code in territory it holds.

Throughout the day, special forces could be seen going house to house in Gogjali, Mosul’s easternmost district, while sappers searched the road for explosives and booby traps left behind by the jihadis driven out a day earlier.

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Image courtesy of The Associated Press