A laudable initiative from the Iron Brigade soldiers!

The US Army reported last week a commendable initiative of five soldiers from the Iron Brigade that saved the service branch $26 million. Instead of scrapping worn-out line-replaceable units (LRUs) within Bradley Fighting Vehicles (BFVs) and M1A2 Abrams tanks, they repair the components using the sophisticated Next Generation Automatic Test System (NGATS).

The 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, was among the first brigades to field the NGATS last year, which allowed them to familiarize themselves with the ongoing mobilization.

According to Lt. Col. Patrick Reardon, commander of the 64th Brigade Support Battalion, they have previously conducted hands-on training on two NGATS.

US NGATS containers at Poland
NGATS mobile containers assigned to the 64th Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division. (Image source: US Army)

NGATS is a standalone diagnostic test set used to troubleshoot line replacement units in the field and is a mounting system that allows Army maintainers to fix forward on the battlefield. It is usually contained and stored in an international standard (ISO) 20-foot container equipped with a 60-kilowatt generator.

“We have been fielded two NGATS systems, consisting of four containers that have electronic diagnosis and troubleshooting systems inside of them, along with work benches and an overhead lift system, consisting of four containers that have electronic diagnosis and troubleshooting systems inside of them, along with work benches and an overhead lift system,” Reardon said.

Diagnostic cables
NGATS hooked on an LRU for troubleshooting diagnosis. (Image source: US Army)

Reardon explained that what they did was: they took an LRU(Line Replaceable Unit), placed it on the lift system, and set it on the workbench before hooking the wiring harness into the modular component. Electronic troubleshooting and diagnosis system will then pass through these wiring harnesses, allowing them to run the diagnosis.

“What the NGATS does is determine where the faults are inside of that LRU. So, it will tell us that a circuit card is faulty, then we know we just need to replace that one circuit card to bring the entire LRU fully mission capable for that Bradley,” he added.