The weeklong hunt ended last week as federal agents traced and captured the alleged perpetrator behind the leaked Pentagon documents. Nonetheless, the mess it made continues to circulate online. Among the confidential materials spread online include sensitive details on the looming fate of Taiwan in case of a future Chinese invasion.

Unprepared for Air Strikes

According to reports, the US classified documents revealed dwindling confidence in Taiwan’s military leaders as they cast doubts over its air defenses capabilities, mainly on the accuracy of detecting missiles. It also highlighted how only half its Air Force fleet could effectively engage enemies.

Unlike Ukraine, which had sufficient air defenses to push back Russia, Taipei would be more tricky with China’s rapid growth in building its air superiority. As a result, the concern bears more significance as it could potentially hinder Taiwan’s ability to advance in defending its sovereignty.

The intelligence report noted the heightened dread of Taiwanese officials on the fate of its aircraft during a future Chinese invasion. Accordingly, they need at least a week to move these assets to shelters, leaving them sitting ducks to missile strikes.

In a Saturday report, The Washington Post elaborated on these troubling assessments of Taiwan’s preparedness. Besides the island country’s air and missile defense system likely getting “strained under high-volume” assault from China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA), Pentagon analysts also noted Taipei’s highly scripted missile warning drills, which could leave both civilians and authorities unprepared for a “real-world event.”