ISIS has been generating millions of dollars through the sale of women and children abducted from the regions it has conquered. While the Yazidi slave trade is well publicized in the West, we also chillingly learned through our ISIS Defectors Interview Project, that ISIS has not only enslaved Yazidi women (who they claim as devil worshippers), but also women who were the wives and daughters of its so-called enemies—most of them Sunni Muslims. Enslaving Sunni women directly contradicts their own fatwa on who can be enslaved, but ISIS is not known for being internally consistent in any case. One of our Syrian informants, a former guard and now defector, recently went into great detail about his work guarding hundreds of Yazidi and Sunni women doomed for systematic rape. Our forthcoming book (ISIS Defectors: Inside Stories of Confronting the Caliphate, Advances Press, 2016) provides a more detailed account of those interviews.

This week news broke in Turkey about a legal case resulting from Northern German Broadcasting (NDB) and Southwest Broadcasting (SWR) reporting last November that ISIS slave trade and brokers have been operating in Turkey adding huge sums of money to the ISIS coffers. Last November, the German news outlets managed to film this illicit slave trade as it was secretly operating in Gaziantep, Turkey as well as make interviews with abducted women’s families and the middlemen in Turkey who helped broker the release of some of these women.

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