The skies over Ukraine are becoming a battleground not just for aircraft and missiles, but also for electronic signals.

Russian forces have been deploying GPS jamming technology, effectively throwing a cloak of electronic interference over the battlefield.

This disrupts the targeting systems of precision-guided munitions like the JDAM-ER (Joint Direct Attack Munition-Extended Range), hindering Ukrainian forces’ ability to launch surgical strikes.

However, the US Air Force is countering this tactic with a recent procurement that, as announced earlier this month, could significantly alter the balance of power in the air.

The Challenge: Russian GPS Jamming Throws a Wrench in Precision Strikes

Modern warfare relies heavily on precision-guided munitions. These “smart bombs” use GPS or laser guidance to hit designated targets with pinpoint accuracy, minimizing collateral damage and civilian casualties.

However, their effectiveness hinges on receiving a clear and uninterrupted signal.

Russia’s strategy of deploying GPS jamming disrupts this critical signal, essentially blinding the JDAM-ERs and rendering them unreliable.

This not only reduces the effectiveness of Ukrainian airstrikes but also forces them to rely on unguided munitions, which are far less precise and can lead to increased civilian casualties.

Enter the HOJ Seeker: Turning the Tables on Jammers

To address this challenge, the US Air Force has procured Home-on-GPS Jam (HOJ) seekers from Scientific Applications and Research Associates (SARA).

These intelligent seekers are designed to be impervious to jamming attempts. Even more impressive, they can exploit the jamming signal itself.

Instead of being thrown off course, the HOJ seeker can identify the source of the jamming signal and home in on it, essentially turning the hunter into the hunted.

This “hunter-killer” capability offers a significant advantage on the battlefield.

JDAM-ER: The Workhorse Gets an Upgrade

The JDAM-ER is a Boeing-produced precision guidance kit. It transforms a free-fall bomb into a smart weapon, increasing its range and accuracy.

Since May 2023, the Ukrainian Air Force has been utilizing JDAM-ERs launched from their Soviet-era MiG-29 Fulcrums and Su-27 Flankers.

These jets, while not the most modern on the battlefield, have proven surprisingly effective in the hands of skilled Ukrainian pilots.

The addition of the HOJ seeker promises to significantly enhance the JDAM-ER’s capabilities, negating the impact of Russian jamming and ensuring continued effectiveness against heavily defended targets.

Contract Details and Timeline: A Long-Term Commitment

The contract, awarded on May 2nd, 2024, outlines a completion date of October 1st, 2025. This timeline indicates a long-term commitment from the US to provide a sustainable solution for Ukraine.

The project leverages funding from Fiscal 2023 and is categorized as a Sole Source Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase III acquisition.

This highlights two key aspects: First, the US supports innovative solutions from smaller American companies. Second, it underscores this technology’s urgency and critical nature for Ukraine’s ongoing struggle.

Impact on the Battlefield: Regaining the Upper Hand

The integration of HOJ seekers with JDAM-ERs can be a game-changer as Ukrainian forces can regain the upper hand when it comes to precision strikes.

This not only improves target accuracy but also minimizes civilian casualties by reducing the need for multiple bomb runs on the same target.

Furthermore, the “hunter-killer” ability of the HOJ seeker can potentially take out Russian jamming infrastructure, further disrupting their electronic warfare tactics.

This creates a domino effect, potentially crippling Russia’s ability to blind Ukrainian strikes across a wider area.

Beyond Ukraine: A Broader Message of Innovation

The US Air Force’s investment in HOJ seeker technology signifies a proactive approach to countering evolving threats on the battlefield.

This collaboration between American innovation and Ukrainian determination promises to be a significant factor in the ongoing conflict.

Likewise, the success of HOJ seekers could have broader implications. As electronic warfare tactics become more sophisticated, the ability to not only resist jamming but also exploit it for offensive purposes could become a crucial tool in future conflicts.

The skies over Ukraine may be the testing ground, but the lessons learned here could have a lasting impact on the way airpower is employed in the years to come.