Lockheed Martin, a renowned leader in defense technology, is making significant strides with its innovative Remote Interceptor Guidance – 360 (RIG-360) uplinker prototype. This cutting-edge communication device is set to revolutionize the world of guided missile systems, enhancing their ability to engage moving and relocated targets.

This article delves into the key features, benefits, and implications of the RIG-360 uplinker prototype and its impact on modern military operations.

The RIG-360: Enhancing Munition Accuracy

The RIG-360 is a groundbreaking missile communication device developed by Lockheed Martin.

Its primary purpose is to provide in-flight target updates to munitions, notably the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS).

This uplinker prototype marks a significant advancement in military technology, promising to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of guided missiles, thereby expanding the capabilities of the United States Army’s Joint Fires vision.

One of the primary objectives of the RIG-360 is to enable munitions to engage relocated or moving targets accurately. In dynamic, contested environments, such capabilities are invaluable for maintaining a strategic edge and responding to evolving threats. The RIG-360 aims to provide the US Army with deep-strike capabilities, enhancing offensive fire against moving targets.

A Critical Step Forward

The successful demonstration of the RIG-360 uplinker prototype is a critical milestone in Lockheed Martin’s ongoing efforts to advance the US Army’s Joint Fires vision.

Scott Arnold, an official at Lockheed Martin, emphasized the significance of this achievement, stating:

“This proof-of-concept aims to enable Army deep-strike capabilities with offensive fires against moving targets in contested environments, a critical capability to drive agility within the US Army’s connected network and keep our customers ahead of evolving threats.”

This capability not only bolsters the Army’s ability to engage moving targets but also enhances its ability to adapt to a rapidly changing battlefield.

Expanding the Munitions Family

The RIG-360 was initially conceptualized for use with the PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 family of interceptors.

However, its adaptability and potential for improving target tracking and communication led to its integration with a wider range of munition systems. By leveraging target data from various sensors, the RIG-360 offers a 360-degree engagement capability to missile interceptors. This broad coverage means the device can transmit and receive data from all directions, enhancing situational awareness and target tracking.

The RIG-360’s success in improving communication and target tracking makes it a versatile and highly valuable addition to the military’s arsenal.

In an era where precision and adaptability are essential for maintaining a strategic edge, this device has the potential to transform the way munitions engage with their targets.

Patriot missile launcher in Slovakia
Patriot missile launcher in Slovakia (Image source: DVIDS)

Upcoming Joint Fires Flight Test

To validate the capabilities of the RIG-360, a Joint Fires flight test is planned for 2024. This test will serve as a crucial milestone, offering real-world insights into how effectively the device enhances the performance of munition systems. Military experts and defense technology enthusiasts alike eagerly anticipate the results of this test.

Jay Price, the Vice President of Precision Fires at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, emphasized the importance of integrating offensive and defensive systems, stating:

“Integrating offensive and defensive systems provides rapid response capability to defeat critical threats.”

Lockheed Martin is dedicated to advancing 21st-century security by delivering next-generation capabilities that effectively enhance the military’s ability to respond to a wide range of threats.

A Game-Changer in Military Communication

The RIG-360’s capabilities as a communication device are a testament to the ever-evolving landscape of military technology. The device is a software-defined, X-band missile communication device that provides full hemispherical, 360-degree in-flight communications. This means it can transmit and receive data from all directions, offering unprecedented situational awareness to both the missile interceptor and the Integrated Battle Command System. In a modern battlefield where quick decision-making and adaptability are key, the RIG-360’s communication capabilities provide a significant advantage.

The uplink capability demonstrated in this test is based on the RIG-360’s ability to provide 360-degree in-flight communications capabilities for Army Integrated Air and Missile Defense. Lockheed Martin is currently under an engineering manufacturing and development (EMD) contract to mature this concept into a tactical capability.

Supporting Best Sensor-Best Shooter Capabilities

Once the RIG-360 is fielded, it is expected to augment missile performance significantly by expanding the Army’s area of control and supporting the best sensor-best shooter capabilities within the Army’s Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS) architecture.

This capability will enhance the ability to engage with precision and accuracy, ensuring that the right munition is directed to the right target at the right time.


Lockheed Martin’s RIG-360 uplinker prototype is a game-changer in the world of guided missile technology. Its ability to enhance communication, improve target tracking, and enable munitions to engage moving and relocated targets holds immense promise for modern military operations.

As the 2024 Joint Fires flight test approaches, the defense community eagerly awaits the validation of the RIG-360’s capabilities. The successful integration and deployment of this device have the potential to significantly enhance the US Army’s capabilities and maintain a strategic edge in a dynamic and ever-evolving security landscape.

Lockheed Martin’s dedication to advancing 21st-century security by delivering next-generation capabilities is evident in the development of the RIG-360, and its impact on modern military operations is sure to be substantial.