Attorney General Loretta Lynch declined Sunday to say whether the FBI will charge anybody in connection with the Florida nightclub massacre and expressed support for a proposal from a Republican senator to tighten gun control.

Lynch, the country’s top law enforcement official, told “Fox News Sunday” that federal investigators are “in the middle of a very aggressive investigation” that includes “talking to family members.”

However, she declined to comment why the wife of shooter Omar Mateen has not been arrested, amid purported evidence that she helped her husband plot the June 12 murders.

Lynch said the FBI on Monday willl release a partial transcript of Orlando police department hostage negotiators talking to Mateen inside the nightclub. However, much of his talk about allegience to radical Islamic groups has been removed, she said.

Mateen, a Muslim, killed 49 people and wounded dozens of others inside the Orlando, Fla., nightclub before dying in a shootout with police.

The 29-year-old Mateen pledged his allegiance to the Islamic State terror group, even during his shooting rampage inside the gay nightclub.

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