Ask any random male how they think they would do in a street fight, and you will get the same response with different versions. ‘Of course, I’d kick ass! I can fold anyone put in front of me!’ 

That moment when you see yourself on the brink of road rage.

It’s a hardwired ideology. Men firmly believe that nine times out of ten, they’d be able to emerge as the stronger one in a random altercation. The scenario will involve a lot of posturing and puffing of chests to prove their alpha status. And that applies across the board. It’s all part of that caveman DNA that requires no further explanation. 

Of course, what one perceives as truth won’t always pan out. And often, the story ends anti-climatically. 

Have you ever wondered why men, in particular, have an overblown perception of their abilities to handle themselves in a street fight? For this, we once again asked some experts. 

Why Do Men Overestimate Their Abilities in a Street Fight?

We’re focusing on the men, not for any gender-specific reason or agenda. But when you see two women throwdown in a street fight, they mean business. There isn’t the usual display of verbal arrogance, and in most cases, they’re all bark, no bite. 

When women fight, they leave it all on the line, seemingly throwing all caution to the wind.