Nov. 13, 2015, has already gone down as the darkest day in French history since World War II, when 130 people were killed here in an Islamic State assault on daily life: a concert, a soccer game and cafes.

The attack on Paris’s Bataclan concert hall — where 90 of the victims died — and several restaurants in a young, lively neighborhood of the city was only the beginning. In the 12 months since, the same terrorist cell behind the Nov. 13 attacks also struck a Brussels subway and airport, and a lone wolf inspired by the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, drove a truck through crowds gathered in Nice, France, to celebrate a national holiday.

Another lone-wolf attacker murdered a French police officer and his partner in the presence of the couple’s 3-year-old child, live-streaming the gruesome affair on Facebook. Little more than a month later, two other attackers slit the throat of an 85-year-old village priest, in the middle of a weekday mass. In almost every case, the attackers were fellow French or European passport-holders content to murder their fellow citizens.

Read the whole story at Washington Post.

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