The United States Department of Defense has recently reignited the Fifth Generation Aerial Target (5GAT) project in a strategic move to further modernize and bolster its military capabilities. This initiative, which seeks to develop a sophisticated and cost-effective aerial target mimicking advanced adversary combat jets, holds the potential to revolutionize military training, weapon evaluation, and test events—maintaining American dominance in an ever-evolving global security landscape.

The Contract Award: A Stepping Stone for Future Excellence

The 5GAT project, though ambitious, is essential for our armed forces as it aims to fill a significant gap in military training and evaluation. In the past, retired fifth-generation aircraft were used as aerial targets in training to simulate realistic enemy threats. These older models were not only economical but also mirrored the features of advanced enemy planes, making them an effective training tool.

However, as the latest fifth-generation fighter aircraft have significantly increased in cost and lifespan, the availability of suitable retired airframes has diminished. This scarcity led to the conception of the 5GAT project, aimed at developing an affordable aerial target that faithfully captures the performance, signature, and countermeasures of modern fifth-generation aircraft.

Thus, the resurgence of the 5GAT project has taken a significant stride forward with the awarding of a million-dollar contract to Advanced Technology International (ATI) by the US Department of Defense. This contract signifies a renewed dedication to innovation as ATI takes on the role of the “managing prime,” with Sierra Technical Services, Inc. serving as a major subcontractor. This partnership is poised to pave the way for developing the prototypes of these sophisticated aerial targets that would, accordingly, replicate the performance, signature, and countermeasures of advanced adversary fifth-generation aircraft accurately, like the Chinese J-20 and the Russian Su-57.

Project Background and Goals: Addressing a Critical Need

As previously mentioned, the necessity for the 5GAT project stems from the scarcity of retired fifth-generation airframes suitable for training and evaluation purposes. Accordingly, the project aims to refine a previous design to achieve specific performance goals. The development process includes constructing additional prototypes for rigorous ground and flight tests, which will testify to the aircraft’s efficacy and affordability.

Moreover, the successful integration of auxiliary equipment, such as control system communications devices, scoring systems, and flight termination systems, is on the horizon. Alternatively, the project could transition directly to individual service branches for range integration and production, further underlining its strategic significance.

Chengdu J-20 (Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

The Previous Iteration: Learning from Setbacks

An earlier iteration of the 5GAT project experienced a setback in 2020 when its maiden flight ended in a crash due to an unforeseen software error. Sponsored by the Pentagon’s Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E), the first prototype of the full-scale, low-observable unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) had initially completed its low-speed and high-speed taxi testing before it went down amid the flight test.

Despite this, the overall configuration and design of the aircraft were deemed sound, pointing to the viability of the project’s goals. The incident highlighted the need for meticulous testing and refinement to ensure the project’s success.

Importance for Military Training and Preparedness

The 5GAT project holds immense importance in advancing the capabilities of the US military in an increasingly complex security environment. The ability to simulate sophisticated aerial threats during training exercises is paramount for ensuring that pilots and military personnel are well-equipped to face real-world challenges. By offering a realistic representation of the capabilities of advanced adversary aircraft, the 5GAT project elevates the quality and effectiveness of training, ultimately enhancing the combat readiness of the US military.

Furthermore, the project’s significance extends to test and evaluation events, where accurate emulation of advanced enemy aircraft is crucial for assessing the performance of various weapon systems, sensors, and countermeasures. The 5GAT drone’s ability to closely mimic fifth-generation threats allows for comprehensive evaluations that refine military capabilities.

Russian Su-57
Russian Sukhoi Su-57 (Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

Addressing the Challenge of Affordability

One of the critical challenges the 5GAT project addresses is affordability. As advanced combat aircraft become increasingly sophisticated and expensive, the need for affordable alternatives for training and evaluation becomes paramount. The project’s focus on developing cost-effective solutions underscores the commitment to achieving excellence without compromising financial sustainability.

A New Generation of Aerial Threats

The 5GAT project’s significance lies in its ability to address the evolving nature of aerial threats. With the emergence of fifth-generation adversary aircraft equipped with advanced electronic warfare capabilities, traditional training and evaluation methods fall short. The project bridges this gap by providing a platform that emulates the full spectrum of fifth-generation threats, from acquisition to missile impact. Just to give you an idea, the US Air Force’s reliance on retired F-117 Nighthawk stealth jets to simulate low-observable threats, for one, highlights the demand for a more capable, high-end threat representative airframe. The dwindling availability of suitable retired airframes and the increasing operational demands of the service prompted the need for an unmanned, technologically advanced solution like the 5GAT drone. It would offer a different level of realism to set the stage for more effective testing, evaluation, and training that align with contemporary military challenges.

Conclusion: Pioneering the Future of Military Readiness

As the Pentagon revives the 5GAT project, it embraces innovation and adaptability to prepare for an increasingly complex security landscape. By developing aerial targets that accurately mimic fifth-generation adversary aircraft, the US military is poised to elevate its training, evaluation, and combat preparedness to unprecedented levels. The project’s emphasis on cost-effectiveness, realism, and adaptability reflects the nation’s commitment to maintaining its position as a global military leader.

With the 5GAT project, the US military is preparing for today’s challenges and pioneering the solutions of tomorrow.