In a world where consumerism is our religion and Ikea catalogs are our bibles, the subject of psychological warfare in the military might seem far removed, if not wholly irrelevant. 

Psychological warfare, it’s not just for soldiers on some distant battlefield, no. It’s playing out every day in boardrooms and on social media. Whether we realize it or not, we are in the constant crossfire of psychological warfare.

The military? They’re just the masters of the game, having been at it longer, honed it into fine art. They’ve learned to manipulate minds, bend their enemies’ will, and control entire populations without firing a single bullet.

SOFREP original art

Understanding psychological warfare is not just about dissecting military strategies or the spoils of war. It’s about understanding how to influence the human mind, control it, and even weaponize it. It’s about understanding our world and the unseen forces that shape it.

The Art of War: Psychological over Physical

We all know Sun Tzu, the famous name behind ‘The Art of War.’ He understood that the mind was the ultimate battlefield.

To conquer your enemy, you need to conquer his mind first. 

In military warfare, it’s not always about who has the bigger guns but who can manipulate minds more effectively. The power of influence can dismantle an enemy from within, leaving them vulnerable, distracted, and disoriented. 

So while you’re learning to throw punches in your grimy basements, the real pros are up top, playing 3D chess with the human psyche.