In the gritty reality of warfare, where every second can be a matter of life and death, MediWound, an Israeli beacon of biopharmaceutical innovation, has thrown a lifeline to our boys in the field.

They’ve recently bagged a hefty $6.7 million on top of an initial $6.5 million, bringing the war chest to a whopping $14.4 million.

This isn’t just money; it’s a new dawn in treating burns that doesn’t involve a knife and peeling away layers of burnt flesh.

A Partnership Forged in Urgency

The US Department of Defense (DoD), in cahoots with the Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium (MTEC), has bet big on MediWound’s NexoBrid.

It’s a concoction, a brew of enzymes that doesn’t just treat a burn; it blasts the beast head-on. Healing them with a substance that is found in, of all places, the juice and stems of pineapples.

fire fighting training exercise
During a fire fighting training exercise (Image source: DVIDS)

According to its website, NexoBrid is a concentrated enzyme-based solution containing bromelain, an easy-to-use topical product designed to swiftly remove eschar, a crucial step in treating severe burns. Forget those old-school cut-and-peel surgeries or half-hearted ointments.Talk about painful, burns are the very definition of painful.

It’s proven to efficiently remove eschar within four hours without harming healthy tissues, making it the go-to rapid-fire (no pun intended), non-invasive fix for severe burns—like tearing down the barricades that eschar, a hellish layer of dead tissue, builds over a soldier’s wounds.

The Fire Phobia: A Soldier’s Reality

Let’s not mince words here. Fire is the demon every soldier dreads. The swirling orange beast from which we struggle to free ourselves.

The heat, the chaos, and the aftermath of a burn can break the toughest spirits.

Fire phobia training 2015
Fire phobia training 2015 (Image source: DVIDS)

NexoBrid is more than a treatment; it’s hope in a tube, a promise that the agony of burns won’t spell the end on the battlefield.

“The additional funding will enhance our [chemistry, manufacturing, control] activities, expedite preclinical development, and facilitate the establishment of a [Good Manufacturing Practice] compliant aseptic production line for the temperature-stable formulation of NexoBrid,” said MediWound CEO Ofer Gonen in a press statement.

“This new award underscores our shared commitment to ensuring NexoBrid’s availability for military use and its potential to significantly change the early treatment approach for severe burns,” he added.

Gonen isn’t just pushing a product; he’s championing a cause.

The vision is clear – to arm our soldiers not just with guns and grenades but with a groundbreaking first-aid that can be the difference between a scar and a coffin.

The Non-Surgical Revolution

In the trenches, time is a luxury, and surgery a far-fetched dream.

Thanks to its non-surgical solution, NexoBrid is the ace up the sleeve for medics.

It’s quick, it’s effective, and it doesn’t need, again, a surgical bay.

This isn’t just a step forward; it’s a leap into a future where a soldier’s survival isn’t left to chance.

The recent additional funding isn’t just a victory lap for MediWound.

It also demonstrates the collaboration between them, the Pentagon, and MTEC.

They’re not simply creating a therapy but also a shield, a protector for our boys in the field who watch over us.

As we stand on the precipice of this revolutionary breakthrough, it’s clear that NexoBrid is more than a medical marvel.

It’s a beacon of hope, a testament to human ingenuity, and a new chapter in military medicine.

The path ahead is fraught with challenges, but with MediWound’s relentless pursuit and the unwavering support of the Department of Defense, the future looks a little less grim for our soldiers braving the flames of war.