In a world where defense and security challenges are becoming increasingly complex, the effectiveness of teams of all sorts is crucial.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has recognized the need for innovative approaches to assess and enhance team performance.

To address this issue, DARPA has introduced the “Objective Prediction of Team Effectiveness via Models of Performance Outcomes” (OP TEMPO) program.

This groundbreaking initiative explores using bio-behavioral signals, such as neural activity and communication patterns, as objective criteria for assessing and optimizing team performance.

In this article, we’ll explore the reported details of the OP TEMPO program and its potential impact on diverse defense use cases.

The Challenge of Team Performance Assessment

When speaking of defense and national security, the importance of effective teamwork cannot be overstated.

Whether it’s tactical squadrons, air crews, medical teams, or SEAL Teams, the performance of these teams is often a matter of life and death.

However, assessing and improving team performance has traditionally been a challenging endeavor.

The absence of objective measures has made it difficult to gauge the efficacy of training, diagnose performance issues, and determine the effectiveness of future training adaptations.

DARPA’s OP TEMPO program recognizes and seeks to address this challenge innovatively.

Bio-Behavioral Signals: The Key to Objective Assessment

According to DARPA, OP TEMPO is built on the premise that bio-behavioral signals can provide valuable insights into team performance.

These signals encompass a range of physiological and behavioral data, including neural signals and communication patterns.

US Air Force Academy cadets participate in the Commandant’s Challenge in Colorado Springs, Colo., September 27 (Image source: DVIDS)

OP TEMPO aims to create objective criteria for evaluating team effectiveness by tracking and analyzing these bio-behavioral signatures.

Communication Dynamics

Effective communication is at the heart of successful teamwork.

OP TEMPO will examine the patterns and dynamics of communication within teams. This can include the frequency and quality of information exchange, the clarity of messages, and the responsiveness of team members.

The program aims to identify patterns that correlate with high team performance by analyzing these communication dynamics.

Heart Rate Variability

Another critical aspect of bio-behavioral signals is heart rate variability.

Changes in heart rate can indicate stress, arousal, or emotional states.

Monitoring the heart rate variability of team members during training exercises can provide insights into their emotional and physiological responses to various scenarios. This information can be valuable in assessing how well individuals and teams manage stress and adapt to changing circumstances.

Real-World Defense Training with Unobtrusive Sensor Suites

To gather these bio-behavioral signals, OP TEMPO will employ unobtrusive sensor suites.

These sensor suites will be designed to provide reliable and accurate measurements during real-world defense training exercises.

Using unobtrusive sensors is crucial to ensure that the data collected is as natural and unaffected as possible, allowing for an accurate representation of team performance.

MEDEVACs during 24-01
Soldiers during a medical evacuation rehearsal, November 3 (Image source: DVIDS)

The Potential of Bio-Behavioral Signals

Applying bio-behavioral signals in assessing and optimizing team performance holds great promise. By leveraging these signals, OP TEMPO aims to provide the following benefits:

1 | Objective Assessment. Objective data can replace subjective evaluations, offering a more accurate and reliable team performance assessment. This is particularly important in the context of defense and security, where precision and reliability are paramount.

2 | Training Efficacy. With the ability to objectively measure training performance, defense agencies can determine the effectiveness of their training programs. This enables them to refine and adapt their training methods to ensure that teams are adequately prepared for their roles.

3 | Performance Diagnosis. Identifying breakdowns in team performance is essential for improvement. Bio-behavioral signals can help pinpoint areas where teams struggle and offer insights into potential solutions.

4 | Future Adaptations. As threats and challenges evolve, defense teams need to adapt. OP TEMPO aims to provide a means of objectively assessing whether training adaptations are effective in addressing emerging needs.

Diverse Defense Use Cases

The OP TEMPO program is not limited to a specific type of team or scenario. Instead, it has a broader vision of applying its findings to various US defense use cases requiring highly coordinated teamwork.

Army Reserve Soldiers
Army Reserve Soldiers during Combat Support Training Exercise, August 17 (Image source: DVIDS)

These use cases include:

  • Tactical Squadrons. Teams operating fighter jets, helicopters, and other aircraft require seamless coordination to execute their missions. OP TEMPO could help enhance their communication and decision-making processes.
  • Air Crews. Ensuring the safety and effectiveness of air crews is vital for both military and civilian aviation. Bio-behavioral signals can be invaluable in assessing crew performance and optimizing their responses to in-flight challenges.
  • Medical Teams. Medical teams working in field hospitals, combat zones, or emergency response scenarios rely on efficient teamwork to save lives. OP TEMPO can assist in understanding how these teams function and how to improve their coordination.
  • Cybersecurity Personnel. In the realm of cybersecurity, rapid responses and effective information sharing are critical. Understanding the communication dynamics of cybersecurity teams can help in countering cyber threats more efficiently.

Enhancing Collaboration and Coordination

DARPA emphasizes that defense teams are not simply the sum of their collective parts; they have highly specialized and dynamic roles.

The performance of these teams relies on collaboration, communication, and coordination.

OP TEMPO seeks to address the fundamental question of how to transform a group of experts into an expert team.

The program is not just about individual performance; it’s about optimizing the collective performance of teams. By identifying and understanding the bio-behavioral signals that contribute to effective teamwork, OP TEMPO aims to enhance the coordination and overall performance of these teams.

Convoy training exercise
Airmen during a convoy training exercise at Hulman Field Air National Guard Base, November 3 (Image source: DVIDS)

Securing Efficacy and Safety

DARPA recognizes the importance of ensuring the efficacy and safety of the OP TEMPO program.

Thus, collaboration with US stakeholders and regulatory authorities is essential to achieving these goals and aligning the program with the requirements and expectations of those who will benefit from its findings.

Furthermore, the program also takes into account the legal, ethical, and societal implications of using bio-behavioral signals in team assessment.

Experts in these areas will be part of the effort to oversee the research and address associated concerns, ensuring that the program is conducted in a responsible and ethical manner.


In summary, DARPA’s OP TEMPO program is a groundbreaking effort to use bio-behavioral signals for objective team performance assessment and optimization. It has the potential to revolutionize team performance across various sectors, from military squads to medical teams and cybersecurity personnel.

By focusing on coordination, communication, and collaboration, OP TEMPO is poised to make a lasting impact on defense and national security team training and performance.

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