The vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean will once again become a stage for international cooperation and military prowess as the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise returns to Hawaii from June 26 to August 2.

This biennial event, boasting the title of the world’s largest naval war exercise, brings together a staggering display of maritime might with “approximately 29 nations, 40 surface ships, three submarines, 14 national land forces, over 150 aircraft, and more than 25,000 personnel.

According to the US Pacific Fleet, this year’s theme, “Partners: Integrated and Prepared,” underscores the exercise’s core objective of fostering trust and interoperability among participating forces. The exercise design incorporates a vast array of military assets, including aircraft, land forces, and cutting-edge naval technology, all working in a complex and dynamic simulated war environment.

Participants will engage in a variety of scenarios, from anti-submarine warfare (ASW) drills to amphibious landings and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HA/DR) operations. This comprehensive approach ensures that participating nations are prepared to tackle a wide range of maritime challenges.

A Legacy of Cooperation: RIMPAC’s Historical Significance

RIMPAC’s legacy stretches back to 1971, making it a cornerstone of maritime cooperation in the Indo-Pacific. Throughout the Cold War, the exercise served as a critical platform for the United States and its allies to refine joint operations and showcase their collective strength.

In the post-Cold War era, RIMPAC has evolved to encompass a broader range of participants and objectives. It now serves as a vital forum for fostering trust and interoperability among a diverse group of nations, promoting regional stability, and deterring potential aggression.

Beyond the Indo-Pacific: A Global Force at RIMPAC 2024

The list of participants for RIMPAC 2024 reflects its expansive reach.

Established powers like the United States, Canada, and Australia will join forces with emerging players like India and Indonesia.

Notably, this year marks the first time a South American nation, Chile, will hold the deputy commander position of the Combined Task Force (CTF). This signifies a commitment on the part of RIMPAC organizers to inclusivity and broad-based cooperation.

Below is the complete list of participating forces to be hosted by the US Pacific Fleet. RIMPAC 2024 will be led by the US 3rd Fleet, who will also serve as the CTF commander:

  • Australia
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Brunei
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Denmark
  • Ecuador
  • France
  • Germany
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Peru
  • The Republic of Korea (ROK)
  • The Republic of the Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Sri Lanka
  • Thailand
  • Tonga
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

The inclusion of NATO members like France, Germany, and the United Kingdom adds another layer of significance. While not geographically located in the Indo-Pacific, these nations demonstrate NATO’s growing focus on global security and its deepening relationship with the United States in the face of emerging challenges. Their participation strengthens the message of unity and deterrence that RIMPAC aims to convey.

helo-cast training
US Marines and Australian Soldiers prepare to conduct helo-cast training during RIMPAC 2022. (Image source: DVIDS)

Not Without Critics: A Look at Concerns Surrounding RIMPAC

While RIMPAC is widely seen as a force for regional stability and cooperation, it’s not without its critics. Here’s a glimpse into some of the arguments against the exercise:

Environmental Impact

Critics raise concerns about the environmental impact of large-scale naval exercises. Sonar use can harm marine life, and military activities can disrupt delicate ecosystems. Additionally, accidents involving fuel spills or munitions pose a significant threat to the fragile Hawaiian environment.

Militarization of the Region

Some argue that RIMPAC contributes to the militarization of the Indo-Pacific, potentially escalating tensions with countries like China. The vast display of military might could be perceived as a show of force, further straining diplomatic relations.

Focus on War Games

Critics argue that RIMPAC prioritizes war games over more pressing issues like piracy, humanitarian assistance, and disaster relief. While the exercise does incorporate some HA/DR training, some believe a greater emphasis on these areas would be more beneficial.

Transparency and Inclusivity

Concerns have been raised about the transparency of RIMPAC scenarios and the selection of participants. Critics argue that a more inclusive approach involving regional powers like China could foster greater trust and understanding.

RIMPAC 2022 fleet in formation
RIMPAC 2022 Fleet Sails in Formation, July 28, 2022. (Image source: DVIDS)

It’s important to acknowledge these criticisms alongside the stated goals of RIMPAC. Open discussions about the exercise’s impact and potential improvements can ensure it remains a force for positive change in the Indo-Pacific.

More Than War Games: The Lasting Impact of RIMPAC

The impact of RIMPAC extends far beyond the shores of Hawaii.

The exercise serves as a powerful deterrent against aggression, showcasing the collective strength and resolve of participating nations.

The ability to seamlessly integrate forces from vastly different backgrounds into a cohesive fighting unit sends a clear message of unity and preparedness to any potential adversary.

Moreover, RIMPAC fosters a spirit of collaboration that transcends military operations.

The exercise provides a crucial platform for fostering diplomatic channels and building trust between nations. These connections pave the way for future partnerships and regional stability, promoting a free and open Indo-Pacific.

Beyond military drills, RIMPAC also emphasizes HA/DR cooperation. This collaborative approach can be instrumental in the face of natural disasters that frequently strike the region.

As the world watches, the Pacific turns into a stage for international naval cooperation, one thing is certain: RIMPAC 2024 will undoubtedly leave a lasting mark on global maritime security. The exercise not only hones military skills and fosters international partnerships but also serves as a symbol of peace and stability in a crucial region of the world.