It’s been almost a week since Ukraine started their offensive with the goal of reclaiming most of the Russian-occupied regions like Crimea and Kherson.

We’ve reported that there has been aggressive movement on Ukraine’s side, with Russians taking losses daily in men, artillery, ammunition, and tanks. We also reported on the memoir of one of the Russian veterans who decided to share his take on the Russian offensive, giving us an in-depth look at what actually goes on on the Russian side.

And today, Russians are getting bombarded yet again by Ukrainians as the latter see a gap in military communications and poor leadership. According to the British Intelligence report, Ukraine is taking advantage of Russia’s “poor logistics, administration and leadership.” They continue to shoot HIMARS decoys and disrupt lines of communications as the Ukrainian Ground Forces focus on an ongoing campaign along the west of the Dnipro River, “focusing on three axes within Russian-occupied Kherson Oblast.”

“The operation has limited immediate objectives, but Ukraine’s forces have likely achieved a degree of tactical surprise; exploiting poor logistics, administration, and leadership in the Russian armed forces.

With fighting also continuing in the Donbas and Kharkiv sectors, a key decision for Russian commanders in coming days will be where to commit any operational reserve force they can generate.”

Additionally, the Ukrainian forces are moving to fight the Russians who have fired missiles at Kramatorsk, Sloviansk, in Donestk Oblast. According to the region’s governor, Pavlo Kyrylenko, the Russian missiles hit some light industry enterprises in Kramatorsk, injuring one person and two enterprises in Sloviansk.

Meanwhile, Sumy Oblast Governor Dmytro Zhyvytskyi said the Russian forces shelled the Velykopysarivska community in Sumy Oblast “with mortars five times” a couple of hours ago. There were no casualties reported.