The Sudanese government continues to target children in the ongoing conflict in the Nuba Mountains.

On Wednesday afternoon, a government warplane bombed a leading primary school in Kauda, Sudan, wounding a Kenyan teacher. The Sudanese Sukhoi jet dropped two parachute bombs into the compound of the St. Vincent Primary School at the Diocese of El Obeid, damaging classrooms and library.

“I don’t feel safe, it’s inhuman,” said a shocked sister Cinta Mutisya, a principal at the school from Kenya. Sponsored by Catholic churches in the United States, several international staff from East Africa and Australia work at the school. This is not the first time — in May last year the jets had bombed the same school.

“We just thank God that the children were not in the primary school because these metal pieces would have probably killed them,” Australian education coordinator Cathy Solano said. Only teachers were present since it was a correction day for exams.

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Image courtesy of screen shot via War is Boring