The lack of ample supplies during World War II was not enough reason for soldiers to not enjoy legendary cocktails. And where is the best place to create one other than Egypt? So when you were in the middle of a war, nobody had time to stop and wait for your hangover to subside, a brilliant Joe Scialom emerged to come up with a hangover cure. Some even believed it was key to bring down Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Corps in Egypt during the Battle of El Alamein. Perhaps as a thirst-quencher, maybe as a morale booster, or even if those were just a plain exaggeration, what’s certain was that this cocktail was present when the sufferings turned toward the Germans.

“Mix Well But Shake Politics”

…was his motto. Let’s get to know first the man behind this crudely-named drink. Joe Scialom was a trained Chemist who followed his heart and decided to be a barman instead when he found out that making and mixing drinks was more enjoyable than mixing chemicals. He was also noted for being multi-lingual: able to speak eight languages, and he spoke fluent alcohol. He was working at the Shepheard’s Hotel in Cairo in 1942 during World War II, where British officers and press corps would frequent to quench their thirst in the hot desert climate. Or perhaps it was to cheer themselves up somehow, as Erwin Rommel, Hitler’s Commander-in-Chief of the Afrika Korps, was successfully driving the British off Libya and back to Egypt with their devastating desert attacks. They also complained about the occasional hangover amplified by the hot weather. Joe, at that time, was some sort of a celebrity, being an Egyptian-Jew who was not only multi-lingual but was also great at remembering his customers’ names and faces and what drinks they preferred.

Joe Scialom, head barman at the Long Bar in Shepheard's Hotel
Joe Scialom, head barman at the Long Bar in Shepheard’s Hotel, Cairo, during WWII. (Photo: The Chap Facebook Page)

Ending The Suffering

When Joe heard the suffering of the British soldiers, aka their hangovers, he was eager to help, and the limited supply was not stopping him. He gathered whatever local ingredients were available and came up with the recipe and made the Suffering Bastard. In case you want to try it, here’s the recipe. Taken from Esquire Drinks: An Opinionated & Irreverent Guide to Drinking, by David Wondrich:

  • 1 oz/30 mL bourbon

  • 1 oz/30mL gin (use a dry style for best results)

  • 1 tsp. lime juice

  • 1 dash of Angostura Bitters

  • approximately 4 oz/118 mL of chilled ginger beer