A Taliban suicide bomber blew himself up outside of a US military base in Afghanistan on Wednesday in retaliation for the US dropping leaflets that were offensive to Islam the day before, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Four Afghan civilians were wounded in the blast that occurred at an enemy-control point outside of Bagram Air Force base, the LA Times and Reutersreported.

Taliban spokesman Zabihulla Mujahid tweetedWednesday that the bombing was to “avenge” the insulting leaflets.

The leaflets the US dropped from a plane on Tuesday in Parwan province pictured a lion, symbolizing the US-led coalition, chasing a dog, which symbolized the Taliban.

Dogs are considered an unclean and dangerous animal by many Afghans, according to The Washington Post, and the one depicted on the leaflet had part of the Taliban flag superimposed on it along with a common Islamic creed.

“There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet,” the creed, known as the shadada, reads.

“Get your freedom from these terrorist dogs” was also written on the leaflet above the two animals, the LA Times said. “Help the coalition forces find these terrorists and eliminate them.”

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