Recent reports from the Dubai Airshow indicate a significant shift in the global arms market. It’s been observed that there’s a growing demand for Russian military equipment. This surge in interest is attributed to the demonstrated effectiveness of various Russian weapon systems in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

This alleged surge in interest has notably centered around key platforms such as the Su-35 fighters, Ka-52 helicopters, T-90 tanks, and TOS-1A heavy flamethrower systems, capturing the attention of potential buyers on a global scale.

Combat Performance and Market Impact

Deputy General Director of ROSTEC, Vladimir Artyakov, recently highlighted the remarkable combat efficacy and reliability demonstrated by specific Russian weapon systems during their deployment in the conflict zone of Ukraine’s “special military operation.”

According to a report by state-owned RIA Novosti, Artyakov has noted the resultant escalation in demand for these systems, attributing it to their proven performance in combat scenarios.

Notably, Russian military hardware showcased its capabilities, often confronting contemporary Western adversary hardware with notable success.

Despite the imposition of international sanctions impacting arms manufacturing, Russian defense companies, resilient in their commitment, consistently showcased their weaponry at various international exhibitions, prominently including the Dubai Airshow.

Artyakov underscored the criticality of continuous enhancement, detailing industry representatives’ collaboration with the Ministry of Defense to refine products based on firsthand feedback from combat zones.

Showcase of Russian Military Capabilities at Dubai Airshow 2023

The Dubai Airshow 2023 served as a pivotal platform for the Russian defense industry amidst constrained international participation due to geopolitical tensions and stringent sanctions.

A diverse array of Russian weapon systems were prominently displayed at the biennial event, attracting significant attention and interest from a wide spectrum of global stakeholders.

Below are some of the reportedly military equipment Russia showcased, including:

Su-35 Flanker-E

Renowned for its advanced capabilities, the Su-35 fighter aircraft garnered substantial praise, with Alexander Mikheyev, chairman of Rosoboronexport, lauding it as among the premier fourth and 4++ generation fighters.

Its widespread deployment and impressive performance in the ongoing conflict significantly bolstered its reputation in the fiercely competitive global arms market.

Ka-52 Alligator Helicopter

Despite its formidable combat effectiveness, concerns emerged regarding the export potential of the Ka-52 attack helicopter following reported losses during operational engagements in Ukraine.

This all-weather attack helicopter is a twin-seat variant of the Ka-50 and is known for its exceptional maneuverability and effectively engages ground and aerial targets, thereby serving in roles ranging from destroying armored vehicles and tanks to reconnaissance and aerial command.

In October last year, the UK Defense Ministry’s disclosure of significant Ka-52 losses, equating to at least 23 verified losses or approximately 25 percent of the Russian Air Force’s fleet, raised questions about its market appeal despite international recognition of its capabilities.

Reportedly, an intriguing development at the Dubai Airshow was the remark by ROSTEC Director General Sergey Chemezov, claiming that a United States delegation has expressed keen interest, particularly in the Ka-52 helicopter.

“It’s not as if military officials will use the show to rip us off. First, it’s not that easy. One would first have to disassemble the helicopter, its systems, equipment, and so on,” Chemezov told reporters, cited by Eurasian Times.

They [demonstrated] an interest in the helicopter, which is involved in military activities. It proved very effective, and everyone is aware of that,” the ROSTEC official added, highlighting the international curiosity and acknowledgment of the Ka-52’s combat prowess despite the prevalent geopolitical tensions and sanctions between nations.

Challenges and Future Prospects

While Russian military hardware has undeniably showcased its capabilities, formidable challenges persist.

As mentioned, the reported losses suffered by the Ka-52 and ensuing concerns over its export potential cast a shadow on the sustained marketability of specific platforms in the fiercely competitive global arms market.

Moreover, despite ROSTEC officials refuting data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) indicating a decline in Russia’s arms exports, the challenges in expanding market share remain palpable.

The SIPRI report underscored a decline in Russia’s share of arms exports from 22 percent to 16 percent between the periods of 2013-17 and 2018-22, diverging from the United States’ augmented share.

Meanwhile, Rosoboronexport chairman Mikheev told RIA Novosti that the Russian defense industry “does not” focus on increasing arms sales abroad as its conflict with Ukraine continues and instead prioritizes “the need of the Russian Armed Forces.”

“This is not the time to talk about the competition for a place on the world market and the desire to increase the volume of exports of Russian products,” Mikheev said.

Diversification Efforts and Future Directions

ROSTEC remains resolute in its commitment to diversify its portfolio and broaden the geographical reach and scope of supplies to amicable nations.

Artyakov emphasized the importance of concentrating efforts on promising sectors like the air force, air defense, armored vehicles, and small arms.

In addition to combat-centric platforms, the display of Russian helicopters like the Mi-171A3 and firefighting helicopters like the Ka-32A11M at international exhibitions underscored Russia’s intent to expand its offerings beyond conventional combat-oriented systems.

Despite formidable challenges posed by geopolitical tensions and stringent sanctions, the Russian defense industry perseveres, seeking avenues for growth, innovation, and collaborative opportunities in navigating the ever-evolving global arms market.


In summary, the recent revelations from the Dubai Airshow 2023 have indicated a significant rise in global demand for Russian military equipment.

The exceptional performance of key weapon systems in the Ukraine conflict has been a driving force behind this surge in interest.

Despite challenges like reported losses of the Ka-52 and contradictory data on arms exports, ROSTEC remains committed to diversification and innovation efforts.

The Russian defense industry continues to navigate geopolitical tensions and sanctions, striving for growth and collaborative opportunities in the ever-evolving global arms market.

Adaptability, innovation, and collaboration will likely shape the future success of Russian military equipment in the international arena.

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