The government of Iran has formally applied to become a member of BRICS, an international group of emerging economies. Goldman Sachs analyst Jim O’Neill coined the acronym in 2001, which stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

“BRICS countries have played a vital role in practicing true multilateralism and promoting unity and strength among developing countries,” a statement from the Iranian Embassy wrote. “Iran stands ready to offer all its resources and advantages, including energy reserves, human resources and scientific achievements, to help the BRICS countries achieve their goals.”

In a separate announcement, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that Argentina had followed suit, also sending an application to join the group of nations.

While attending a forum at last week’s BRICS summit, both Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Argentinian President Alberto Fernandez expressed their desire and readiness to become full members of the organization.

In response to the two new applications, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said in a press conference that the fate of BRICS and the world’s emerging economies had been intertwined since its inception. China, which holds this year’s BRICS chairmanship, has advocated for expanding the group’s membership. Chinese analysts have stated that the application of the two countries is an instance of “true multilateralism” and not “ideological confrontations” that emphasize the “true” solidarity of nations and not division.