Myanmar’s military has imposed martial law in 37 townships across eight states and regions, where people accused of treason or “spreading false news” will be tried by military tribunals. On Wednesday, the military announced it had extended the state of emergency it imposed at the time of the coup.

The announcement indicates that the military is looking for new ways to stamp out resistance in areas where people took up arms against its power grab two years ago.

According to an independent watchdog, over 2,948 civilians have been killed since Feb. 1, when peaceful protests were suppressed with lethal force by Myanmar’s Military; a spokesperson from National Unity Government believes this number will increase due to increased killings and torture under the pretext of stabilizing country. In rare comments reported on Wednesday, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing acknowledged more than one-third of the township is not entirely under control by his forces.

Since the Feb. 1 coup in Myanmar, the military has been expanding martial law across 37 townships to crush resistance to its rule. As a result of this oppressive action, civilians have experienced increased violence and death with no sign of the emergency state ending anytime soon.


On Feb. 1, 2021, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing took control of Myanmar’s government in a military coup. This was following months of civil unrest after the military rejected November’s election results. In response to the military takeover, Aung San Suu Kyi’s party set up a National Unity Government (NUG) to peacefully resist against military rule.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing has stated that he will not give in to calls from outside countries for his resignation and that any actions taken by him or his forces are in response to NUG’s “incitement.” He also claims that they are working towards holding elections, but no timeline has been set.

There have been more than 700 civilian deaths due to violence inflicted by the military. Most of these deaths are related to peaceful protests against military rule, but there have also been reports of torture and extrajudicial killings by security forces. The situation in Myanmar is worsening by the day as the ruling military has enacted martial law in 37 townships across eight states and regions.