Do you want to level up your cannabis cupcake game and throw a little twist? Well, you’ve landed in just the right spot. We’re about to dive into the incredibly fun world of cannabis-infused cupcakes. That’s right – we’re combining cupcakes’ comforting sweetness with the magic herb’s unique punch.

Before you start wondering if this is some complicated, chefs-only cannabis cupcake recipe — nope, we’ve made sure this recipe is super simple to follow, with the result that is, well, let’s say it will be a ‘hit’ at your next adult get-together.

In this guide, we will walk you through, step by step, how to make your cannabis cupcakes right in your kitchen. We’ve got you covered, from crafting your cannabutter to mixing up a dreamy cupcake batter. So put on that apron, turn up your favorite cooking tunes, and dive right in.

But remember folks, these aren’t your regular cupcakes. They pack more of a punch, so enjoy them responsibly. And, of course, make sure it’s legal in your neck of the woods before you start. Alright, let’s get to it!

Decarboxylation: Let’s Get Scientific!

Decarboxylation, in a nutshell, activates those precious cannabinoids by heating. So be sure to complete this crucial step. 

We start with 7-10 grams of cannabis. Preheat your oven to a delicate 240 degrees Fahrenheit or 115 degrees Celsius for those across the pond. 

Now, get to work on grinding your cannabis. Not too finely, though. You’re not snorting it, are you? You want a coarse grind. 

Once you’ve sorted that, spread it out evenly on a baking sheet. Slide it into your preheated oven and let it toast for about 30-40 minutes. 

Let’s Make Cannabutter

The cannabutter is the foundation of any cannabis cupcake recipe. It’s the only ingredient that will turn this regular dessert into a delicacy that will literally and figuratively send you over the moon. 

First, grab a saucepan, chuck a cup of unsalted butter, and let it melt. Add a cup of water to keep it from scorching – this is not the time to burn the butter! 

Once the butter melts, add your decarboxylated or activated cannabis. Let it simmer on low heat, about 160 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit, or 70 to 90 Celsius. Keep it simmering for 2-3 hours. You want the butter to absorb the THC fully. 

Then, strain the mixture into a jar using a fine sieve or a cheesecloth, squeezing every drop of that precious, potent butter. Once you’ve done that, let it cool down.

Now that you’ve got your cannabutter, it’s time to move on to the main event – the cupcakes!

The Only Cannabis Cupcake Recipe You’ll Ever Need

Forget about Googling and getting a laundry list of results that claim to be the best cannabis cupcake recipe. Whether you’re doing this for the first time or have been experimenting with it for a while now, this is the only recipe you should have. It’s easy to follow, and it’s guaranteed to satisfy. 

Here’s what you’ll need: 

  • 1/2 cup of cannabutter
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tsp top-quality vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 3/4 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup boiling water

And here’s what you’ll do:

  • Preparation: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius). Get your muffin tin ready by lining it with cupcake liners. This recipe will get you about 12 cupcakes, so prepare accordingly.
  • Creating the batter: Blend your cannabutter and sugar in a large mixing bowl. You’re looking for a light and fluffy mixture. Crack your eggs into the mix, one at a time, fully incorporating each one before adding the next. Stir in the vanilla extract to add that wonderful aroma.
  • Mix dry ingredients: In a separate bowl, combine your all-purpose flour, baking powder, cocoa powder, and salt. Give it a good mix. We’re not looking for lumps here, folks.
  • Combine: Now, it’s time to bring it all together. Gradually add your dry mix to your creamed mixture, alternating with the milk. Do it bit by bit, don’t rush it. You should end up with a smooth and well-combined batter.
  • Bake: Fill your muffin cups 3/4 full with the batter. Refrain from filling them, or you’ll end up with a mess. Once your oven is hot enough, bake for about 15 to 20 minutes. You’ll know they’re ready when a toothpick inserted into the middle of a cupcake comes out clean.
  • Cool down: Let them cool before moving on the icing. If you rush this step, you’ll end up with melted icing, and no one wants that, do they?
  • Icing: This is optional. You can top your precious cupcakes off with icing or frosting. Just remember to be creative!

Go Nuts With This Trouble-Free Cannabis Cupcake Recipe!

There you have it, a foolproof recipe to make some wickedly good cannabis cupcakes. Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you know your ingredients and understand their behavior, the better your cupcakes will be.

These cupcakes will spice up your next get-together or make a chill weekend chiller. However, remember that while these cupcakes are a lot of fun, they’re only for some. Always let people know what’s in them before they take a bite.

Most importantly, enjoy the process. Baking is all about having fun and creating something delicious that makes people smile, and these cupcakes will do just that.

One last reminder – always enjoy responsibly and check the local laws in your area. We’re all about good vibes and staying on the right side of the law, right?

Now go forth and spread good vibes!