Historically, mercenaries are professional soldiers hired to fight for a foreign power or cause. They bear an image of shadowy figures wielding their weapons not for ideology but for the glint of gold.

Today, you’d be surprised by how little has changed. Mercenaries in modern warfare are seeing a dramatic resurgence. But why is that?

In an age of digital warfare, drones, and cyber-attacks, the demand for boots on the ground has never been higher. From the African savannahs to the Middle Eastern deserts, mercenaries in modern warfare are back in vogue. And their influence on global conflicts is growing at an alarming rate. 

Modern mercenaries are not your average gun-for-hire. Many are part of sophisticated, well-organized, and, dare we say, corporate entities. So, what’s driving their rise? And what does this mean for international relations and the very nature of warfare itself?

A Historical Perspective

A statue of General Hannibal Barca at the Louvre in France. (Wikimedia Commons)

Mercenaries have played roles in wars for thousands of years. Remember the famed Carthaginian military commander, Hannibal? He didn’t cross the Alps to attack Rome, just with his loyalists. He had a motley crew of mercenaries from different regions.

Ancient Greece also witnessed the rise of the ‘Hoplite’ mercenaries. They are spear-wielding soldiers who’d lend their services to the highest bidder. 

Meanwhile, the Egyptian Pharaohs often splurged on Nubian and Libyan mercenaries to safeguard their vast territories and interests. They did this rather than solely relying on their native armies. 

Mercenaries were likewise prevalent in the Renaissance, like the Italian Condottieri. Italian city-states hired these mercenary leaders and their companies for military services, leveraging their expertise and troops.