The history of warfare is not just about the battles won or lost, the strategies employed, or the heroes who led the charges. It is also about those often forgotten figures, the prisoners of war (POWs), who endured harrowing experiences that most of us can only imagine. 

These are the individuals who, despite being captured by the enemy, demonstrated remarkable resilience, ingenuity, and, at times, a surprising amount of luck.


The narratives of prisoners of war are rife with tales of survival, escape, and resistance. From the ancient conflicts to the modern-day wars, the plight of PoWs has been a recurring theme. 

However, many of these stories remain untold, overshadowed by the grand narratives of battles and strategies.

This article aims to shed light on some of those untold stories, highlighting the experiences of prisoners of war from different eras and conflicts. These stories offer a glimpse into our shared history’s lesser-known but no less critical facet.

Ingenious Escape Plans

Throughout history, prisoners of war have displayed incredible ingenuity in devising escape plans. During World War II, the infamous ‘Great Escape’ involved 76 Allied prisoners who dug three tunnels (codenamed ‘Tom,’ ‘Dick,’ and ‘Harry’) out of the Stalag Luft III camp in Nazi-occupied Poland. 

This audacious escape required the PoWs to construct tools from scavenged materials and create a system to dispose of the soil without arousing suspicion. 

Although only three men managed to reach safety, the story of their ingenuity and determination remains a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to endure even the most challenging situations.

Acts of Defiance

Even in captivity, many prisoners of war resisted their captors.

Covert Communication in Vietnam

In the Vietnam War, American POWs held at the ‘Hanoi Hilton’ prison camp developed a covert communication system using taps and sweeps on the cell walls. It allowed them to share information, offer support, and even organize resistance activities without their captors’ knowledge. 

When Navy pilot Jeremiah Denton forcibly participated in a televised propaganda interview, he blinked his eyes in Morse code to spell out ‘TORTURE.’ It alerted the U.S. government and the world to the atrocities committed by the North Vietnamese.

The Resistance of the French POWs

French PoWs organized a secret resistance network in German camps during World War I. They gathered intelligence, sabotaged German operations, and even smuggled fellow prisoners out of the camp. 

One notable example is the Holzminden camp, where a group of prisoners dug a tunnel underneath the camp fence and managed to escape. Their defiance inspired other PoWs and contributed to the more significant resistance efforts against the German forces.

Bonds Formed Under Unlikely Circumstances

The experiences of prisoners of war often led to strong bonds between individuals from different backgrounds and nationalities.

Solidarity in World War II

Another remarkable example of bonds formed under unlikely circumstances occurred during World War II. It happened in the Japanese POW camp of Changi in Singapore. 

Australian POW Sir Edward ‘Weary’ Dunlop, a surgeon, became a revered figure among his fellow prisoners for his tireless efforts to provide medical care and support despite the limited resources. 

Dunlop’s leadership and compassion helped to foster a sense of solidarity and community among the prisoners. Many of them credited him with saving their lives. 

After the war, Dunlop continued to advocate for the welfare of former POWs and became a symbol of the enduring bonds formed during times of adversity.

Lesser-Known Stories of Resilience

While some stories of prisoners of war have gained widespread recognition, others remain lesser-known.

The Resistance of Horace Greasley

Another remarkable tale is that of Horace Greasley, a British soldier captured by the Nazis in World War II. 

Greasley managed to escape over 200 times from his camp to meet a local girl he had fallen in love with. He repeatedly returned to the base and used his escapes to smuggle food, medicine, and other supplies. 

Despite the risks, Greasley’s determination to help his comrades and be with the woman he loved showcases the resilience and courage of POWs, even in the face of immense danger.

The Survival of Charles Upham

Charles Upham, a New Zealand soldier, was captured by German forces during World War II. 

He was known for his repeated escape attempts and resistance to his captors. Upham made several escape attempts, including one where he climbed over a camp fence in broad daylight and another where he tried to escape through a drain. 

Although he faced multiple captures, his determination and bravery inspired his fellow prisoners. It earned him a reputation as a hero among the Allied forces.

The Resilience of the Human Spirit


The experiences of prisoners of war throughout history showcase the human spirit’s remarkable resilience, ingenuity, and determination. The narratives of POWs provide a unique and essential perspective on the history of conflict.

The challenges faced by prisoners of war were undoubtedly immense. But their legacy was one of endurance, hope, and an indomitable will to survive.