1944 – WWII, France

Captured in the battle of St. Lo, a group of Nazi prisoners are gathered on a French beach on August 18, 1944, for transfer in the coast guard manned LST (background) to England for internment. The group includes poles, Austrians and Czechs. They were willing prisoners, but expressed disappointment when they were sent to England instead of the United States.

1945 – Homecoming Celebration

Docked at Pier 88 in Manhattan, New York City, these soldiers aboard the U.S.S. General Harry Taylor are celebrating their homecoming after World War II, on August 18, 1945.

1953 – WWII German Submarine

Rear Admiral Daniel V. Gallery, right, who made naval history when his ship captured a German submarine in 1944 inspects the hull of the U-boat with Robert Crown, left, and Carl Stockholm, co-chairman of a Chicago committee who viewed the sub in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on August 18, 1953. The committee intended to take the submarine to Chicago for permanent exhibition.

1976 – Moammar Gadhafi Speaking

Col. Moammar Gadhafi , the Libyan leader, speaks to the summit meeting of the nonaligned nations in Colombo, Sri Lanka Wednesday, August 18, 1976. He said he supports terrorism that is equated with “the struggle of a people for independence,” but not kidnapping and robbery.
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