The U.S. Army is considered the world’s premier land force, but it also has the capability to play a greater role in shaping other domains like sea, air, cyber and space.

“We won’t duplicate capabilities of the other services. We want to enable the other services.” said Greco, deputy chief of staff, G-2, with the Army Training and Doctrine Command, in his remarks at a Mad Scientist media roundtable on Tuesday, Aug. 23.

Mad Scientist is an annual event at which members of academia, industry and interagency partners from around the U.S. and the world gather to discuss the character of warfare through 2050.

During the media roundtable, the G-2 told his audience that he can foresee a time in the near future when Army ground-based systems will be used to create favorable conditions for the Navy and the Air Force, citing several examples.

For instance, he said, Army forces could launch missiles against enemy naval vessels or attack threats in the air. The Army could also create windows of opportunity for the Navy to move through maritime choke points.

Read More- US Army

Image courtesy of Missile Defense Agency