WASHINGTON—The Trump administration is set to impose fresh sanctions on dozens of Iranian entities for their alleged role in missile development and terrorism, in a move likely to escalate U.S. tensions with Tehran, according to people close to the deliberations.

The penalties on these Iranian companies, individuals and military organizations could be announced as early as Friday, said these individuals.

They would follow the Trump White House’s announcement on Wednesday that it was putting Iran “on notice” for its recent ballistic missile tests and support for militant groups in Syria, Yemen and Iraq.

President Donald Trump campaigned on taking a tough line on Iran, and his administration is currently reviewing the terms of the landmark nuclear deal the Obama administration and five other nations reached with Iran in 2015, according to U.S. officials. The agreement lifted most international sanctions on Iran in exchange for Iran constraining its nuclear program.

The Trump administration believes the new sanctions don’t violate the nuclear deal because they are solely focused on Iranian entities involved in the missile program or providing support to militant groups designated as terrorist entities by the U.S., according to the people close to the deliberations.


Read the whole story from The Wall Street Journal.

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