In between political conventions, both major party presidential candidates will appear at the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention next week to discuss their campaigns and priorities for Veterans Affairs reform if they become commander in chief.

The event, to be held in Charlotte, North Carolina, is expected to bring together almost 12,000 veteran leaders of the group from around the country. Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is scheduled to speak Monday morning, while Republican nominee Donald Trump will speak on Tuesday.

In a statement, VFW National Commander John Biedrzycki Jr. called the appearances a chance to advance the national political conversation on military and veterans issues.

“What we hope to hear from both candidates is how they will fight our enemies while keeping America safe through strong national defense and homeland security programs,” he said.

“We also want to know how they will create, enhance and protect veteran and military health care programs and quality-of-life initiatives, such as educational benefits, job training and employment programs, as well as hear a renewed commitment to return our fallen from their battlefields.”

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