President Donald Trump’s aggressive “new strategy” to convince Pakistan to stop harboring terrorists has not worked so far, CIA Director Mike Pompeo suggested over the weekend.

Pompeo was seated next to former CIA Director Leon Panetta at the Reagan National Defense Forum Saturday when Panetta went on a lengthy diatribe against the Southwest Asian nation’s purported duplicitious terrorism “policy” and its failure to listen to U.S. demands to shape up.

“Pakistan has always been a problem,” said Panetta, who was at the spy agency’s helm when U.S. forces killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in 2011. “On the one hand, yes, they don’t like terrorism or the attacks from terrorists in their country. But at the same time, they don’t mind using terrorists as leverage to deal with Afghanistan and to deal with India. That’s the policy that they’ve been involved with.”


Read the whole story from Code and Dagger.

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