TUFF Products are designed by and for multi-gun competitors. Their Magazine and Accessory Bags are well designed, built tough and color coded to make your life easier. You can buy them in a set of two or a set of four. These shoulder or handle carry bags will organize your range gear and help get your training accomplished
For most of us, range time is limited. If you want to get the most training for your buck, you have to make sure that you have everything you need and you can find it when you need it. We have all driven out to the range and paid our fees only to find some critical item missing.
So what do you need for the range? If you are just plinking, it can be as simple as a single range bag. TUFF products are designed by and for multi-gun competitors. These guys have handguns, rifles and shotguns to feed so organization is critical. That is where the Color Coded TUFF Bags come in.
Lets start with magazines and ammunition, I like to load my magazines at home, then carry a bag of magazines. Medical gear? I always have a trauma kit with me and it needs to be easy for anyone to grab.

TUFF Products are designed by and for multi-gun competitors. Their Magazine and Accessory Bags are well designed, built tough and color coded to make your life easier. You can buy them in a set of two or a set of four. These shoulder or handle carry bags will organize your range gear and help get your training accomplished
For most of us, range time is limited. If you want to get the most training for your buck, you have to make sure that you have everything you need and you can find it when you need it. We have all driven out to the range and paid our fees only to find some critical item missing.
So what do you need for the range? If you are just plinking, it can be as simple as a single range bag. TUFF products are designed by and for multi-gun competitors. These guys have handguns, rifles and shotguns to feed so organization is critical. That is where the Color Coded TUFF Bags come in.
Lets start with magazines and ammunition, I like to load my magazines at home, then carry a bag of magazines. Medical gear? I always have a trauma kit with me and it needs to be easy for anyone to grab.

Glasses, hearing protection, cleaning gear, tools, timers and chronograph are easy to forget. If you have a system, you will show up with everything you need. I start my planning with targets and target stands needed for the training.
This is how I set my gear up.
Blue- Glasses, Hearing Protection, Timer, Tools, MantisX
Red- Medical
Grey- Pistol Magazines and an empty TUFF Products 3 Gun Ammo three bag set for brass pick up
Green- Rifle Magazines
All four TUFF bags fit perfectly into a Nanuk 950 case for travel.

Color Coded TUFF Bag Features:
Each Bag Comes with a Shoulder Strap!
Fully Padded
Velcro Interior Top Lid
Blue and Red Bags measure 15″x9.5″x5″ .
Gray and Olive Drab Measure 15″x9″x3.
Get your Tuff Products Four Bag Color Coded Organizers HERE $200
Get your Tuff Products Two Bag Color Coded Organizers HERE $110
and the TUFF Products 3 Gun Ammo set of three color coded bags HERE $25
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