Tunisian authorities dismantled a jihadist cell that was planning attacks against a security station and a commercial center in the capital, a security source said on Wednesday.

Tunisia is on high alert after dozens of Islamist militants stormed through the border town of Ben Guerdan this year attacking army and police posts and triggering street battles in which troops killed about 50 militants.

“Security forces arrested a jihadist cell that was planning to assassinate political and media figures. They planned to attack a security station and bomb the commercial center GEANT in Tunis”, a security source told Reuters.

He added that four people including a girl were arrested. The cell’s members watched videos on how to make explosives.

Tunisia suffered several major attacks claimed by Islamic State last year including two attacks targeting foreign tourists at a Tunis museum and a beach hotel.

The country has struggled to contain a jihadist threat from neighboring Libya, and a high number of Tunisian militants have left to fight abroad.

Article courtesy of Reuters.

Featured image courtesy of Al Jazeera.