A summit hosted by U.S. President Barack Obama garnered pledges from dozens of countries to resettle or allow the lawful admission of some 360,000 refugees, doubling the number of slots that were available last year, the U.S. envoy to the United Nations said.

But Ambassador Samantha Power said that was “still only a fraction” of what was needed because the U.N. refugee agency, UNHCR, has assessed that some 1.2 million refugees need to be resettled.

Countries could only attend Obama’s summit at the annual U.N. gathering of world leaders if they made a pledge.

Obama told the summit that the refugee crisis was “a test of our international system where all nations ought to share in our collective responsibilities, because the vast majority of refugees are hosted by just 10 countries.”

“We must recognize that refugees are a symptom of larger failures – be it war, ethnic tensions or persecution,” he said.

Obama said the more than 50 countries and international organizations that participated in the summit had collectively increased their contributions to humanitarian groups and U.N. appeals this year by some $4.5 billion.

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