The Ukrainian military officer who was killed in a car bomb Tuesday was investigating Russia’s involvement in the war in eastern Ukraine, Ukrainian news outlet reported on Tuesday.

Col. Maxim Shapoval was driving a Mercedes Benz in Kiev when a bomb planted under the vehicle exploded, killing him instantly, according to Kiev police.

Two bystanders were also injured in the explosion.

The Ukrainian Defense Ministry said Shapoval was a part of the Chief Directorate of Intelligence, and Ukrainian media said he was chief of military intelligence’s special forces, according to the Associated Press.

Ukraine has called it an act of terrorism, and the Wall Street Journal reported that the country’s chief military prosecutor is looking for links with Russia.

Shapoval was reportedly investigating Russia’s military aggression in the ongoing war in the Donbass region for Ukraine’s case against Russia in the International Court of Justice, also known as The Hague, said. Ukraine is currently suing Russia in the ICJ for “acts of terrorism and unlawful aggression.”


Read the whole story from Business Insider.

Featured image of Ukraine’s Cabinet of Ministers courtesy of Wikipedia.