The United Kingdom has announced a further $1.6 billion (£1.3 billion) in military aid and support for Ukraine as the country continues its stalwart defense against the Russian invasion. This follows the UK’s donation of Stormer High-Velocity Missile (HVM) launchers, Starstreak anti-aircraft rockets, and a number of armored vehicles to Ukraine.

“The situation in Ukraine continues to cause immense suffering with every day bringing new, tragic stories of Putin’s brutality,” British Chancellor Rishi Sunak said.

“We are unwavering in our support for the people of Ukraine – and this extra £1.3bn will ensure we continue to provide the necessary military and operational support they need to defend themselves against Putin.”

The additional funding was pooled from the British Treasury’s emergency reserves set aside for the direst crises and emergencies, according to Sunak.

“The UK is at the forefront of providing economic, humanitarian, and defensive support to Ukraine, and we are working tirelessly to bring an end to this conflict,” Sunak added.

The $1.6 billion package nearly doubles London’s previous financial commitments to Kyiv and will gradually be provided over a three-month period. This marks the highest rate of military expenditure for the UK since the peak of the conflict in Afghanistan in Iraq, where around 43,000 British troops were deployed.

Britain has been one of Ukraine’s most staunch supporters of the country along with the US in its defense against Vladimir Putin’s unjustified aggression. On the international stage, the country is at the forefront with the United States to push for hard-hitting sanctions against Moscow and sure constant growing support for Kyiv.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been one of the most outspoken leaders supporting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Last Tuesday, Johnson unveiled a $370 million military commitment to Ukraine, which included electronic combat weapons, GPS disrupting equipment, a counter-battery radar system, and thousands of night vision gear.