A photograph of a former Ukrainian Air Force Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker displayed at the National Museum of the US Air Force (NMUSAF) has recently captured the imagination of aviation enthusiasts worldwide.

This picture is not just another image of an aging fighter; it’s a testament to the immense size and power of the Russian-origin Sukhoi Su-27 and Su-30, which stand as giants among their peers in the aviation world.

The photograph, released by the NMUSAF in Dayton, Ohio, offers a unique perspective on the colossal dimensions of the Su-27 series.

The Su-27 in the Hangar

The photograph, which NMUSAF shared on October 25, clearly demonstrates how the Sukhoi Su-27 towers over other decommissioned aircraft, including both Soviet and American legacy models.

cold war fighter jets
(Image source: X) The Su-27, shown here in sky-blue paint, is nearly 72 feet long.

While the Su-27 is often seen solo during airshows, either in flight or parked, it is challenging to fully appreciate its imposing airframe without a reference point.

In this case, the presence of other aircraft in the hangar highlights just how significant the Flanker is in comparison.

The specific Su-27 captured in the photograph is a twin-seater Su-27UB Flanker-C. Remarkably, this fighter was acquired by the United States a decade ago as part of a secretive government program known as Foreign Materials Exploitation (FME).

Flanker jet
(Image source: X)

This program involves obtaining foreign military equipment for study and analysis. The NMUSAF added this aircraft to its Cold War gallery, and the image serves as a testament to the aircraft’s massive size and the collaboration between nations in the complex world of military technology.

Size Comparison: Su-27 vs. ‘Friends’ and ‘Foes’

In the photograph, the Su-27 is seen alongside a variety of other aircraft, ranging from early Soviet-era MiG-29A to F-111 Aardvark, Panavia Tornado, F-4 Phantom IIs, and MiG-23 Flogger.

Su-27 vs MiG-29A
Su-27 vs MiG-29A (Image source: X)

The Flanker outshines all the aircraft except for the larger transport aircraft positioned beside the fighter jets. Its enormous size becomes readily apparent when compared to its contemporaries.

The Su-27 boasts impressive dimensions, measuring 72 feet in length, 19 feet in height, and having a wingspan of 48.3 feet.

In contrast, the MiG-29 is 57 feet long, 15 feet tall, and has a wingspan of 37 feet.

The Su-27’s twin-seat configuration can sometimes lead to confusion, as it may be initially mistaken for a Su-30. However, the absence of the front swept-back canards is a clear distinguishing feature.

The Flanker’s Journey to the US

A report by The Drive sheds light on the Su-27UB’s unique journey to the United States.

It was acquired nearly a decade ago from Ukraine by a private aviation company known as Pride Aircraft. The aircraft was then registered in the US Federal Aviation Authority’s civil register with the number NS132S.

Subsequently, it was sold to another unidentified buyer, leading to the aircraft’s disappearance from the public eye.

The Su-27 resurfaced in September when the NMUSAF announced its acquisition for its exhibit.

This journey underscores the complex world of international arms trade and the repurposing of military technology for historical and educational purposes.

Ukraine’s Role as a Source of Soviet-Era Military Technology

Interestingly, Ukraine has long played a significant role as a source of Soviet-era military technology for the United States.

Several MiG-29s found their way into American inventories following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

This exchange of military hardware between former Cold War adversaries reflects the changing dynamics of the post-Cold War era and the importance of cooperation in military technology.

Other Instances of Outsized Sukhoi Su-27/30 Series Aircraft

The NMUSAF’s photo is not the only one that highlights the colossal size of the Sukhoi Su-27 and Su-30 series of fighters.

Another image from 2021 went viral for the same reason.

aircraft size comparison
(Clockwise in the box: upper left to lower left) Su-30MKI, Navy LCA Tejas, LCA Tejas, and BAE Hawk (Image source: Reddit)

It depicts an Indian Air Force Su-30MKI alongside the Light Combat Aircraft Tejas, providing a striking size comparison. The Su-30MKI’s vastness is evident as it dwarfs the Tejas and the BAE Hawk aircraft beside it.

In another undated image, the Su-30 is shown to be larger than the Dassault Rafale, the Indian Air Force’s frontline fighter aircraft today.

Su-30 and Rafale
Size comparison between Rafales (left) and Su-30MKIs (right) (Image source: X)

These photographs not only emphasize the Su-27 and Su-30’s remarkable size but also underline their continued relevance in the modern aviation landscape.


The Sukhoi Su-27 and Su-30 fighters have long been admired for their impressive size and capabilities.

The recent photographs from the NMUSAF and the Indian Air Force offer a fresh perspective on the immense stature of these aircraft. They serve as a testament to the evolution of military technology, the importance of international cooperation, and the enduring legacy of these Russian-origin fighter planes. As the aviation world continues to advance, the Su-27 and Su-30 remind us of the giants that once ruled the skies and continue to captivate aviation enthusiasts to this day.