Aiming to enhance operational efficiency and resource allocation, the United States Army recently made sweeping changes to its maintenance services for weapons and vehicles.

The service has replaced its conventional practice of conducting maintenance every six months, regardless of the actual need, with a usage-based maintenance system. This shift in approach, proposed by Army Chief of Staff General Randy A. George, is expected to revolutionize how the Army maintains its extensive fleet of vehicles and weapons.

Current Maintenance Practices

Under the current rules, most of the Army’s vehicles, including military trucks, undergo maintenance every six months, irrespective of their usage. This means a vehicle may be subjected to a full-service kit, complete with a new air filter, engine oil, and spare parts, even if it has hardly been used.

As US Army warrant officer Robert Lakes aptly put it, cited by Task & Purpose:

“We may service a vehicle that has gone [only] 100 miles in a year. The common-sense approach is, I wouldn’t do that to my personal vehicle, so why am I wasting resources doing that to our military fleet?”

This prevailing approach, while well-intentioned, has led to resource inefficiencies and unnecessary expenditure. It has raised questions about the prudence of maintaining vehicles and equipment that have seen minimal use, often with little to no wear and tear.

Bradley routine maintenance
A Soldier conducts routine maintenance on M2A2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle at the motor pool (Image source: DVIDS)

The Call for Change

The need for a change in maintenance practices became apparent when Gen. George addressed the issue at this year’s Association of the US Army (AUSA) conference. The Army Chief of Staff minced no words, pointing out that the current system of “unnecessary maintenance” is not only costing the Army a substantial amount of money but also consuming “632 man-years of labor” annually.

The implications of this are far-reaching. It drains financial resources and takes away valuable time that could be better utilized for training and the personal lives of Soldiers. This, in essence, is inefficient and unsustainable.

A Shift Towards Usage-Based Maintenance

In response to this problem, Gen. George has proposed a radical shift from time-based to usage-based maintenance. Instead of adhering to the rigid six-month schedule for maintenance tasks such as oil changes, vehicles will now receive necessary maintenance based on their actual usage and needs.

For example, a vehicle that has traveled only a few miles over the past six months will not be subjected to a routine maintenance schedule. Instead, it will be assessed based on its actual condition and maintenance requirements. This marks a considerable departure from the previous practice of routine maintenance, which needed to be more susceptible to the actual state of the vehicles and equipment.

weapon upkeep
An armor crewman conducts weapons maintenance on a .50 Caliber Machine Gun (Image source: DVIDS)

The overhaul in maintenance practices is not limited to the Army’s extensive fleet of approximately 200,000 vehicles. It extends to include the Army’s weaponry, such as the M4 and M16 rifles. This strategic change is aimed at improving the allocation of resources and the overall efficiency of the maintenance process.

Benefits of the Overhaul

The shift from time-based to usage-based maintenance is expected to yield several significant benefits for the US Army and its personnel.

Cost Savings: The most immediate advantage is the potential for substantial cost savings. By eliminating unnecessary maintenance activities, the Army can redirect funds to other critical areas, such as training, modernization, and personnel welfare.

Resource Allocation: This change will lead to more effective resource allocation. Rather than following a fixed schedule, resources can be allocated based on actual needs, resulting in a more efficient use of time and materials.

Improved Efficiency: Usage-based maintenance is a more efficient approach. It ensures that maintenance is carried out when necessary, maximizing the operational readiness of the Army’s vehicles and weaponry.

Reduced Workloads: The new system will ease the workloads of operators, maintenance personnel, and soldiers who previously had to adhere to rigid maintenance schedules, even when it wasn’t necessary.

More Training and Family Time: By saving 632 man-years of labor annually, the Army can allocate this time to more training and allow its personnel more time for their families. This has the potential to boost morale and readiness.


The US Army’s transition from time-based to usage-based maintenance is a bold and forward-thinking step. It reflects a commitment to efficiency, resource optimization, and the well-being of its personnel. By focusing on maintenance that is truly needed, the Army is poised to save substantial resources and time that can be invested in areas that directly contribute to its mission readiness and the welfare of its soldiers.

This strategic shift is not just about reducing costs; it’s about creating a more agile, responsive, and efficient army that is better prepared to meet the demands of the future and ensuring that it remains a world-class military force.