Looks like the US Marine Corps is on the hunt for cutting-edge technology to turn its infantry into drone-killing machines.

The service has issued a call for proposals, published on July 15, seeking attachments that can transform the M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle into a formidable counter-drone weapon.

21st-Century Battlefield Problem: Countering the Drone Threat

The battlefield is constantly evolving, as you may already know, and with it, so is the nature of threats.

While counter-drone technology has been in focus recently, the challenges posed by unmanned aerial systems (UAS) continue to grow.

The proliferation of drones, once a tool exclusive for reconnaissance and surveillance, has morphed into a potent weapon capable of delivering explosives, conducting electronic warfare, or simply disrupting operations.

Its utilization and importance in the battlefield have explicitly been magnified in the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia.

To counter this growing menace, the Marine Corps is looking to equip its ground troops with the ability to detect, track, and neutralize hostile UAS.

High-Tech Attachments: Infantry to Become Drone Hunters

The envisioned attachments will include a suite of high-tech capabilities, such as radio frequency and GPS jammers to disrupt drone communications, advanced optics for precise targeting, and potentially even specialized ammunition designed to take down these aerial threats.