For decades, the M72 Light Assault Weapon (LAW) has been a mainstay in the Marine Corps arsenal, a symbol of raw power in close-quarters combat.

Now, the iconic LAW is getting a 21st-century upgrade, one that promises to revolutionize how Marines fight, particularly in urban environments.

Enter the M72 LAW Fire from Enclosure (FFE). This isn’t just a new rocket; it’s a paradigm shift.

The M72 FFE allows Marines to launch devastating firepower from within buildings and bunkers, eliminating the dangerous vulnerability they previously faced when firing the LAW from an exposed position.

Concealed and Lethal: Dominating Urban Warfare

“This new capability removes the Marine from exposure to enemy engagement,” said Scott Adams, Product Manager for Ammo at Marine Corps Systems Command.

The M72 FFE boasts a drastically reduced flash signature and backblast – even smaller than a standard M9 pistol. This allows Marines to fire multiple shots daily from within a protected space, maximizing lethality while minimizing risk.

The M72 FFE comes in two configurations, each tailored for specific battlefield needs:

M72A8 Anti-Armor: This round packs a powerful high-explosive warhead designed to pierce through enemy vehicles with ease, offering Marines a decisive edge against armored threats.

M72A10 Multi-Purpose: This round is a game-changer for urban warfare. Designed to dismantle fortified structures with devastating efficiency, the M72A10 allows Marines to clear buildings and strongpoints more effectively, minimizing collateral damage and civilian casualties.

A Marine aims downrange using an M72. (Image source: DVIDS)

More Than Just Firepower: A Lighter Load for Marines

The benefits extend beyond just the firepower.

The M72 FFE is a soldier-centric upgrade. The launcher itself has been redesigned, featuring an enhanced in-line trigger mechanism and an improved sling design.

These seemingly minor changes translate to a lighter trigger pull, better handling, and increased comfort for Marines carrying the LAW. This translates to less fatigue and improved maneuverability during intense combat situations.

The M72 FFE represents not just a technological leap but also a testament to inter-service cooperation.

The Marine Corps worked closely with the US Army to procure this new capability.

By leveraging economies of scale through joint procurement, both services benefit from significant cost savings.

Fielding Begins Now: A More Lethal and Protected Marine Corps

Fielding of the M72 FFE is expected to begin in 2024 and is expected to be fully fielded by 2027, bringing a new era of close-quarter combat dominance to the Marine Corps.

4th Force, 2/3 conduct rocket training
(Image source: DVIDS)

With increased lethality, improved safety, and a lighter load, the M72 FFE equips Marines to adapt and dominate the modern battlefield, no matter the terrain or enemy they face.

This upgrade isn’t just about firepower; it’s about giving Marines the tools they need to come home safely after every fight.