Former Gov. Jesse Ventura plans to appeal the decision by the 8th U.S. Circuit Court Appeals, which last week overturned the $1.8 million defamation verdict that a jury awarded him in 2014.

David B. Olsen, Ventura’s attorney, filed a motion Wednesday asking for an extension until July 11 to file a brief. He will be seeking a rehearing before the three judge appeals panel that decided the case, or collectively, by all the judges of the 8th Circuit.

It is rare for a federal appeals court to grant a rehearing.

On June 13, the 8th Circuit unanimously overturned a $1.3 million award to Ventura for unjust enrichment and by a 2-1 vote overturned a $500,000 award for defamation. It ordered the case back to the U.S. District Court in the Twin Cities to retry the defamation aspect of the case.

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