• A Ukrainian veteran sniper was shot dead, and her husband, who was accused in 2012 of trying to kill Russian President Vladimir Putin, was wounded near Kiev, Ukraine.
  • The Chechen couple had fought against Russia-backed separatists in the Donbas region of Ukraine and were considered heroes in the country.
  • The incident is the latest in more than a dozen assassinations or attempted assassinations in Ukraine since 2014.

A Ukrainian veteran sniper was killed, and her husband, who was accused in 2012 of trying to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin, was wounded in a shooting on Monday near Kiev, Ukraine.

Amina Okuyeva and Adam Osmayev were riding in a car past a railroad crossing in the village of Hlevakha when their vehicle came under heavy fire from someone in the bushes on the side of the road.


Read the whole story from Business Insider.

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