The Biden Administration’s handling of the U.S.-Israel relationship has been a disaster.

The recent escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip continues to gain global attention, and the role of the United States in the conflict has been under scrutiny. While President Biden has consistently emphasized the United States’ commitment to Israel‘s right to self-defense, his administration’s handling of the crisis has been fraught with errors and missteps that deserve attention.

One of the most significant mistakes was the perceived lack of urgency from the administration in responding to the crisis. This conflict began escalating in early May 2021 at the beginning of the Biden Administration. President Biden’s statements were lukewarm and lacking in conviction. His assertion that the violence would cease “sooner than later” seemed to echo a hands-off approach inconsistent with America’s historical role as a mediator in the Middle East.

Another major issue was the messaging surrounding the conflict, which was often vague and inconsistent. While Biden asserted Israel’s right to self-defense, he also urged restraint, resulting in a contradictory message that did little to alleviate the escalating violence. The administration’s failure to articulate its stance exacerbated the situation, giving the impression of indecision and inaction.

Biden’s handling of the Gaza conflict also demonstrated a lack of diplomatic finesse. While the administration attempted to conduct its diplomacy behind the scenes, this approach often appeared passive and ineffectual. The administration’s reliance on Egypt to broker a ceasefire rather than directly intervening further underscored this perception.

Moreover, Biden’s approach to the conflict revealed a lack of strategic foresight. Despite the foreseeable risk of escalation due to ongoing tensions, the administration seemed unprepared for the outbreak of violence. This lack of preparedness was compounded by the administration’s failure to appoint critical diplomatic positions, including an ambassador to Israel and a consul general in Jerusalem, which could have facilitated a more effective response.

Once again, the Biden Administration’s weak foreign policy led to the Hamas attack on Israel in October 2023. A glaring absence of a broader strategy for peace in the Middle East has marked Biden’s conflict handling. While the administration has expressed support for a two-state solution, there has been little concrete action to drive this agenda forward. This absence of a clear policy direction has left a void that has only fueled further conflict and instability.

1. Delayed Engagement:

One of the main criticisms is the delayed engagement with Israeli leaders. President Biden took several weeks to make his first phone call to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after taking office, a delay which was a snub and a departure from the traditionally close relationship between the U.S. and Israel.

2. Handling of the Gaza Conflict:

The Biden administration’s response to the May 2021 conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza was ineffective and planted the seeds for future attacks.

3. Iran Nuclear Deal:

The Biden Administration’s efforts to reenter the Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA) was a national security mistake. Biden’s policy empowered Iran and increased the threat to Israel’s security.

4. Lack of Clarity on Israeli-Palestinian Issue:

Biden’s policy lacks a clear and effective strategy for addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The administration funds Hamas while expressing support for a peaceful two-state solution. The administration’s policy has only resulted in continued conflict, death, and instability. The policy fails to support Israel, our closest ally in the Middle East. The approach encourages Iran to continue to use Hamas as a proxy to attack Israel and create instability in the Middle East. In addition, it leaves Jewish Americans unsafe in America and vulnerable to targeting and attacks.

5. Six billion dollars to Iran:

Transferring any funds to Iran is a mistake. It is also naïve to think that money is not being moved around to support Hamas. Iran provides over $100 million in support to Hamas, a designated terrorist organization by the United States of America. Iran is an enemy of the United States, and Hamas is a designated terrorist organization creating instability in the Middle East in other Arab countries and attacking our closest ally, Israel.

In conclusion, President Biden’s handling of the recent Gaza conflict has been marked by a series of mistakes. A reactionary foreign policy, lack of urgency, inconsistent messaging, diplomatic finesse, and an absence of strategic foresight have all contributed to the perception of an ineffective and indecisive response. As the situation in the Middle East continues to evolve, it is doubtful whether the Biden Administration can learn from these mistakes and adopt a more assertive, balanced, and strategic approach to addressing this complex and deeply rooted conflict.

Donald C. Bolduc