In the heart of Connecticut, WaveAerospace has thrown the gauntlet down with their latest sky beast, the Huntress Turbojet.

This unmanned marvel, a concoction of five years of sweat and gears, is poised to tear through the skies at speeds that’d make a peregrine falcon envious.

With its debut flight tests slated for the summer sun, this bird is expected to spread its wings for customers by early 2025.

Let’s take a cruise through what this high-flyer’s got under its hood.

High-Octane Hybrid Power

Strap in – the Huntress Turbojet is no ordinary drone.

It’s packing a hybrid-electric punch that marries a turbojet engine with four electric propfans, clocking in at over 500 mph, flirting with Mach 0.7 (467 knots).

This multi-role sky warrior can stay aloft for a solid two hours, making it a versatile pick for any high-flying mission you can dream up.

Launch Versatility

This bird’s got more tricks up its sleeve with its chameleon-like launch and landing capabilities.

Ground, sea, or air – pick your platform, and the Huntress Turbojet adapts like a natural.

It laughs in the face of high winds, slicing through gusts over 60 miles (96 kilometers) per hour.

And when it’s time to touch down on a ship’s deck, forget the old-school cables and harpoons – this bird’s got reverse thrusters.

Payload Powerhouse

WaveAerospace didn’t skimp on muscle, either.

The Huntress Turbojet can haul up to 110 pounds (50 kilograms) while maintaining its own weight at a lean 365 pounds (165 kilograms).

That’s enough grunt for everything from daring search-and-rescue ops to slinging critical cargo in the unforgiving wild.

A Soldier’s Dream Drone

The Huntress Turbojet’s not just a fancy flyer; it’s got the grit for the military grind.

Think rapid-fire search-and-rescue, logistics in no-man’s land, and being the eyes and ears for command and intel ops.

This isn’t just a drone; it’s a multipurpose tool sharp enough for any soldier’s bag of tricks.

Mark Strauss, one of the brains behind WaveAerospace, isn’t just blowing smoke.

This Turbojet is a bigger, badder version of their Huntress Electric, which has seen its fair share of action and proved its mettle in all kinds of conditions.

“While the timeline may seem short, it is essential to remember that the configuration and control systems that allow the Huntress to fly safely and reliably have been in real-world testing for years,” Strauss noted in a statement.

“The Huntress Electric has flown hundreds of hours of tests in conditions ranging from calm to Force 10 ocean states. In essence, we are simply scaling up the aircraft and swapping its 10 kW electric propulsor core with a small turbojet.”

The Dawn of the Huntress Turbojet Era

As WaveAerospace unleashes the Huntress Turbojet into the wild blue yonder, it’s more than just a new toy in the drone world.

It’s a hybrid-electric harbinger of high speeds, versatility, and payload prowess.

And it’s not just for the military minds; it’s a game-changer for anyone looking to push the boundaries of what drones can do.

By early 2025, the skies are going to look a whole lot different, with the Huntress Turbojet cutting through them.