On Tuesday, the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces reported that the German military had experienced a more critical shortage of weapons and supplies than before Russia’s incursion into Ukraine in the past year.

Eva Hoegl, an advocate for the rights of those in the Bundeswehr, spoke to reporters in Berlin and stated that the military has too little of all necessities and even less since the Russian invasion of February 24, 2022.

She expressed her disapproval of the government’s sluggishness in utilizing the 100 billion euro reserve established last year to improve the forces’ condition and its failure to replenish the military’s resources after hurrying to give arms to Kyiv.

The troops in Ukraine are immensely grateful for the aid they are receiving; however, their stocks are being severely depleted when heavy artillery, multiple rocket launchers, and Leopard tanks are passed to Kyiv, according to Hoegl. 

“Our troops welcome the support for Ukraine although it tears big holes (into their stocks) when howitzers, multiple rocket launchers, or Leopard tanks are handed over to Kyiv,” Hoegl said. “It must be clear that the moment (a howitzer) is handed over to Ukraine, the process of ordering a replacement must be launched,” she said.

Hoegl implored authorities to expedite the advancement of military housing, which she stated was in an abominable condition throughout the nation, pointing out the lack of functioning toilets, clean showers, and wireless internet.

The total number of euros required to renovate the infrastructure was estimated to be 50 billion.

Commissioner Criticizes Slowness of German Military Reform

Hoegl emphasizes the country’s failure to strengthen the Bundeswehr at the pace the war needs it to. 

Hoegl, responsible for parliamentary oversight of the military, presented her report in response to the “turning point” declared by Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Last year, Scholz stated that an additional €100 billion ($107 billion) would be allocated to help the Bundeswehr meet its needs, as prompted by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“The procurement system is too sluggish,” Högl said. “The first projects are on the way, but in 2022 our soldiers still haven’t received a single cent from special funds,” she said.

Hoegl stated that there was an exceptionally robust agreement among the German population in response to Russia’s incursion into Ukraine, which has been called a “turning point” by Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

“The 100 billion euros won’t be enough in order to compensate for all the deficiencies, military experts estimate that a total sum of 300 billion euros is necessary,” she said.

The commissioner asked that a supplementary sum be allocated to the military, exceeding the €100 billion ($107 billion) already set aside as a one-time allocation. Nevertheless, Hoegl questioned whether the German military, aiming to recruit 203,000 personnel by 2031, could accomplish its plan.

The head of the department declared that the total number of troops in 2022 decreased to 183,965, representing an 11% decrease from the preceding year.

Hoegl noted that only a small number of women join the military, with the personnel of the Bundeswehr comprising only 13% or less of the total, even with the medical corps taken into account.

Several legislators and government officials have implored for increased funding and expedited delivery of provisions to the armed forces, with the commissioner’s petition being the latest addition to the chorus.

Meanwhile, Boris Pistorius, Germany’s Defense Minister, has demanded additional financial support for the armed forces. He said that the defense budget had to be constantly growing, as Germany is in a precarious security situation and is thus required to equip the Bundeswehr more than before.

Additionally, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann – the chairwoman of the German parliament’s defense committee – declared that the procurement process needs to hasten significantly.

The legislator recommended that Berlin acquire arms and materials directly from the vendor rather than through bidding.

Andre Wustner, the chair of the German Army Association, declared in an interview with Bayern 2 radio that Berlin’s defense policy had been set back “roughly a year.”

“If we’re lucky, they’ll be contracted shortly before Easter, and then an order will be put out,” he said.

Bundeswehr Gets a New Leader

The Bundeswehr has revealed its selection of a new chief.

Major General Carsten Breuer is the new leader of the Bundeswehr armed forces. He was appointed by German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius this Monday

Major General Breuer has a long and distinguished career in the German army, having served as commander of Germany’s Bundeswehr Territorial Tasks Command and head of the Corona crisis team in the Federal Chancellery.

Major General Breuer is an experienced leader committed to protecting Germany’s citizens and defending its borders. He has been praised for his ability to lead large-scale operations and his dedication to ensuring that soldiers are adequately trained and equipped for their missions. In addition, he has worked closely with other European nations on joint defense initiatives, such as establishing a joint European Air Force.

As head of the Bundeswehr armed forces, Major General Breuer will oversee all aspects of military operations, including training and equipping troops, developing strategies for defense against potential threats, and coordinating with other nations on joint defense initiatives. He will also ensure that Germany’s military remains updated with modern technology and tactics. Additionally, he will be tasked with managing budgets and resources to ensure that the Bundeswehr can meet its goals and objectives.

Major General Breuer would most likely implement measures to improve efficiency within the Bundeswehr, including streamlining processes for recruiting and training personnel. Additionally, he will probably work closely with other European nations on joint defense initiatives such as establishing a joint European Air Force. 

Breuer’s appointment as head of the Bundeswehr armed forces marks an essential milestone in German history. He said that he would help Ukraine focus on “counter-attacks, with which one can win back places or individual areas of the frontlines, but not push Russia back over a broad front.”