New York was the meeting place this month for two women whose grandfather and great-uncle met as enemies on a World War II battlefield in the South Pacific.

Kelly Cowin, 34, of Riverton, Utah, and Ayaka Sano, 34, of Toyko, Japan, became connected through the tragedy of war — and a Japanese battle flag, according to The Journal News.

The flag belonged to Sano’s great-uncle, Fujio Kawasaki, the paper reported.

Mortally wounded during fighting on Guam in 1944, the 19-year-old Kawasaki held the flag out to another 19-year-old, Marine Gil McCormack and Cowin’s grandfather, according to the paper.

McCormack, the lone survivor of his 30-man unit on Guam, kept the flag, stashed in the attic, haunted by Kawasaki’s death.

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