If you are like the 1 billion coffee drinkers around the world, then you know how frustrating it feels not to be able to take your daily dose of caffeine if, for some reason, you were in a place with no coffee shops or any other source it. Depressing, right? Evan Hafer knows that too well, and he has tips for you on how to make good coffee in the worst places.

We know Evan and Black Rifle Coffee have been taking some knocks lately over an ill-advised New York Times interview they did, but we think good coffee transcends politics. At least it ought to.

Evan Hafer, CEO of Black Rifle coffee and former Green Beret. EVAN HAFER/Forbes

Evan Hafer, who was a US Army Special Forces non-commissioned officer (NCO) and a contractor for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), founded the Black Rifle Coffee Company. It is a “veteran-owned coffee company serving premium coffee to those who love America,” as per their website. It started with him selling coffee to his friends until more and more people showed up, and he had to transition into making it his day job. He also happened to know the secret on how to make great coffee in the harshest of environments, like the war zone. So if you want to know how to ensure that you always have enthusiasm-fueling coffee with you anywhere, check out his tips:

Bring Premium Coffee Beans

Even when he was deployed to Iraq in 2003, he managed to take coffee beans with him— premium coffee beans. He said, “every deployment I went on, I was taking a small batch of roasted coffee with me,” and that people would wake up to the sound of his coffee grinder. What a lovely way to start your day in the combat field!

Roast Your Own Beans

Roasted coffee beans. ©Alayna the Extravagant/Wikimedia Commons

When Evan was deployed with the CIA in 2006, he was disappointed to find out that their coffee selections were not great, so he took matters into his own hands. He decided to roast coffee beans in his garage and bring a duffel bag’s worth with him for his 2-month-long deployments. This man got his priorities straight!

Pour-Over is The Right Way To Go

Collapsible pour-over device and mug. ©Black Rifle Coffee Company

Wish you could take your espresso machine with you anywhere? Unless you’re willing to carry a 100-pound machine with you, pour-overs are the next best choice. They are compact and easy to carry, that is why Evan created a pour-over system that’s simple and durable, and you can take it anywhere with you, hassle-free. Check it out here.

We also featured it before here.

Be mindful of the boiling point

Different elevation results in different boiling speed. This is important to know because your water must reach around 93 degrees Celsius before pouring it on the ground coffee to achieve the best results.