On September 9, the Veterans Affairs Administration confirmed a $2.9 billion shortfall, and if Congress doesn’t step in with additional funds by September 20, millions of veterans across the country could see severe cuts to their disability pay and retirement benefits.

This news has understandably sent shockwaves through the veteran community, as over five million veterans rely on these payments to cover essential living costs, healthcare, and support for their families. This includes yours truly, who is constantly shocked at the fact that one medium-sized bag of groceries costs the average family about $100 these days.

If Congress doesn’t act quickly, the consequences could be devastating for those who’ve already sacrificed so much. So, here’s what we know and why it’s such a big deal.

The Adverse Effects on Veterans Nationwide

The impact of the VA’s funding shortfall is obviously huge, and it could be damaging and seriously affect millions of veterans.

For many, disability payments aren’t just a benefit, an extra payout after serving the country—they’re a lifeline.

Retired Lt. Col. Jim Whaley, an Army veteran and head of Mission Roll Call, has shared with us via email interview how devastating the effects could be if this isn’t fixed soon.

“If Congress doesn’t act by the deadline, the immediate impact could be catastrophic for the veterans who rely on VA services, particularly those needing disability payments or other essential benefits,” Whaley told SOFREP. “The financial strain could result in delays in processing claims and further stress on a system that’s already under significant pressure.”

He added that veterans and their families, especially those who are already vulnerable, could end up in a real financial crisis without that crucial support.