Gentlemen, you may admit it or not, but a good chunk of you firmly believe that you can satisfy your woman sexually. You think you’ve gained enough experience to make your lady squirm in satisfaction. Some of you may even include the thousands of hours spent watching adult videos online towards that experience. 

Here’s the harsh truth: there’s a good chance you’re doing the opposite. You could be failing miserably, but your partner probably isn’t keen on delivering the crushing news. She’s just looking out for you.

If you think you’re in this predicament, read on. This sure-fire handbook could open doors for your and your lovely lady. If you apply it correctly, you could be on your way to a lifetime of sexual satisfaction. That isn’t an exaggeration, especially when done with consistency. 

A Sure-Fire Handbook to Satisfy Your Woman Sexually 

As you’ll read in this short but informative piece, the lack of understanding is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) reasons men fail to satisfy their partners sexually. Either they let ignorance take over or refuse to do the right thing. 

In case you forgot, here is some expert guidance everyone could use. No matter what skill level you think you have, you can always learn something new. 

Redefining the Concept of Foreplay

When trying to satisfy your woman sexually, the concept of foreplay differs, depending on which expert you aspect. But ultimately, it’s about getting your lady ready for some action through stimulation, another broad and often-misunderstood idea.

For one, Los Angeles-based couples therapist Dr. Jeannette Raymond advises prolonging foreplay

“Sensuality is key — holding hands; the nearness of heads on shoulders; caressing hair, arms, back, and so on. It builds up sexual tension and arousal. Stretching out the sensuality is very erotic: No rushing from caressing to intercourse.”

Holistic wellness coach Isabella Frappier sees it slightly differently. For her, early stimulation should begin hours before you intend to get it on. 

“Don’t just begin the foreplay a few minutes before you hope to have sex. For most women, foreplay begins the moment the last sexual encounter ends, so carry that sexual energy through and hold it for her.”

So if you want some action with your lovely woman tonight, start the virtual naughty talk early in the day. Fortunately, it’s much easier to do, thanks to technology. 

“Send words of affirmation and compliment. Remind her of all the sexual things you are excited to do to her.”

There Are Way More Erogenous Zones Than You Think

Ask any man about the number of erogenous zones in the female body, and you’ll likely get the average answer of about six or seven. But according to experts, there are way more. And these are places you probably won’t expect. 

The inner wrist is a good example. According to New York-based sex educator Kate McCombs, multiple nerve endings surround this body part, allowing added sensations. 

The scalp is another overlooked area when trying to satisfy your woman sexually. But you’re not directing your attention to the crown of her head. Instead, give her a nice scalp massage, sex researcher Dr. Zhana Vrangalova advises. 

Here’s one from out of left field: behind the knee. It’s another nerve-rich zone, according to McCombs. As she explains: 

“It’s a novelty because it’s not where our friends or colleagues are touching us. Touching the back of the knees and leading up to the thighs is intimate… and it gets you closer to the main attraction.”

There’s also an erogenous zone on the inside part of the bicep and tricep. You’re likely extra ticklish when touched in these areas. That’s because the skin around these parts is thinner and, therefore, more sensitive to the touch. 

Here’s an explanation and piece of advice from sexologist Danny Becker. 

“Make circular motions with your tongue lightly enough to stimulate the area. The skin gets thinner when you get closer to the inner elbow, so use that area to drive your partner wild.”

Now you have a list of other areas of the body to explore. Feel free to surprise your partner the next time you’re in the bedroom. 

Be Creative With Your Adult Toys

We’ve written a piece about adult toys and how they can potentially spice up a marriage. But you may need to learn the other ways to use them outside fast tracking yourself to the finish line. 

Experts would even advise doing the opposite. Adult toy entrepreneur Alicia Sinclair suggests using your trusty device for edging or delaying the orgasm for a more powerful explosion. 

“Keep building tension with your vibe, then switch to a lower setting or remove the vibrator altogether when you feel yourself getting close to the finish line. Do this until you can’t take it anymore.”

Fellas, this is where a little creativity comes in. Upon your partner’s consent, heat things up further with sensory deprivation, which many experts would also suggest doing

Then try out Sinclair’s advice. If you do it right, you and your partner may have a new activity to look forward to doing regularly. 

But before anything else, go and explore what’s out there. Many brands offer different features, each one developed to suit your needs. If you need help finding where to look, check out brands like OhMiBod and We-Vibe. They have a menu of products that could instantly get the wifey going. 

Teasing Is Encouraged

Highly encouraged, even. Think of it this way: a diesel engine requires some time to heat up. Once it does, it becomes a forceful, unrelenting machine if you want it to be. 

You can say a woman’s sexual desire works similarly. The longer you tease her, the more tension builds up. And that’s a great, beautiful thing. Frappier agrees and offers this suggestion: 

“Keep away from her genitals and breasts as long as you can stand. Cover her body in kisses and light fingertip touches, watching and observing her closely to see what she responds best to.” 

It’s All About Creating a Deeper Connection

Here’s another common mistake men make: treating sexual intercourse like something to conquer. Many perceive the act of intimacy as a race and not a marathon. Keeping this mindset will decrease your chances of success when trying to satisfy your woman sexually. 

With that, sexologist Cheryl Fagan has this reminder

“Sexual satisfaction has much to do with how you show up emotionally. It’s showing up vulnerable and ready to play without racing to a goal. Showing up because you’re here to connect, not because sex is something to get done.

“A quickie can be fun, but maintaining satisfaction long-term means having a partner that’s interested in your pleasure and isn’t just in it for their own.” 

Especially if you’re with a long-term partner, make each moment of intimacy count. Never take things for granted when trying to satisfy your woman sexually. 

“Sex can be a mirror for the health of your relationship, too,” Fagan says. “What’s happening outside the bedroom will impact what’s happening in the bedroom.”

Women treat sex as a means to connect. It’s rarely a one-and-done deal with them. If you want her utmost satisfaction, make that connection a leading priority.

Learn to Satisfy Your Woman Sexually

And do it the proper way. It’s not rocket science if you think about it. Providing sexual satisfaction is mainly about establishing a connection. Listen to her. Know what she wants. 

Don’t forget to explore. Drop by Amazon and re-visit your Kama Sutra or read up on some erotica. Whichever way you choose to satisfy your woman sexually, that will go out of style. But feel free to add some creativity to it. 

Most importantly, make it a priority to connect on a cellular level through physical intimacy. Do this, and she will love you forever, guaranteed.