Germany secures a historic billion-euro deal for Israeli Arrow 3 hypersonic missile systems.

In a monumental development for European defense, Germany has officially signed a landmark deal to acquire the cutting-edge Israeli-made Arrow 3 hypersonic missile system. This acquisition marks a pivotal moment in Europe’s quest to fortify its air defenses against potential aerial threats.

The historic signing ceremony was attended by German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius and his Israeli counterpart, Yoav Gallant, who jointly hailed this significant occasion.

Unprecedented Investment in European Defense

Valued at approximately $3.5 billion (3.3 billion euros), this agreement stands as the largest deal ever inked by Israel’s military industry.

The Arrow 3 missile system, heralded as the harbinger of future air defense capabilities for Germany, holds the promise of enhanced security and preparedness in the face of evolving threats.

Germany, spearheading the charge to bolster the air defenses of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) across Europe, has been fervently advocating for allied nations to unite in procuring deterrence systems collectively.

The urgency of such measures has been underscored by the relentless Russian aggression in Ukraine, which has starkly illuminated the imperative need for robust anti-air defenses.

German Defense Minister Pistorius, addressing the press conference, emphasized:

“We can see with the daily Russian attacks on Ukraine how important anti-air defense is.”

The sobering reality of these ongoing attacks has reinforced the conviction that a united front is indispensable for safeguarding the continent.

A Symbolic Moment in History

In a poignant moment during the signing ceremony, as reported by The Strait Times, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant reflected on the significance of this collaboration, stating:

“The signing of the deal was a ‘moving event for every Jew,’ looking back at the events of the Holocaust.”

He further highlighted how, for eight decades since the end of the Second World War, “Israel and Germany join hands today in building a safer future.”

Arrow 3: A Technological Marvel for Europe’s Defense

The Arrow 3 hypersonic missile system, a long-range marvel designed to intercept missiles in the Earth’s exosphere, possesses the capability to provide protective coverage not only for Germany but also for neighboring European Union states.

Developed and manufactured jointly by Israel and the United States around the mid-to-late 2000s, this cutting-edge system had to garner approval from Washington before it could culminate in this monumental deal.

Arrow-3 Air Defense System
Arrow-3 Air Defense System (Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

The system’s initial deployment took place at an Israeli Air Force base in 2017, where it demonstrated its effectiveness in thwarting attacks emanating from Iran and Syria. Known for its adaptability, Arrow 3 is a “mobile system” capable of being deployed in response to the specific threats encountered, as elucidated by its manufacturer, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI).

Funding for a Stronger European Defense

Funding for this transformative deal stems from a groundbreaking 100-billion-euro (approximately $105 billion) fund unveiled by Chancellor Olaf Scholz. This financial commitment underscores Germany’s resolute determination to fortify its defenses in the wake of Russia’s audacious invasion of Ukraine.

Moreover, this resounding initiative has garnered support from over a dozen European countries, all of whom have aligned with Germany in its vision for a joint air defense project—the European Sky Shield Initiative.

The Sky Shield project includes a collaborative approach to procurement encompassing short-, medium-, and long-range defense systems. Among the notable systems included in this initiative are the German-made Iris-T, the American Patriot system, and, of course, the Arrow 3.

However, it is important to note that some of Germany’s neighbors, such as France and Poland, have thus far abstained from endorsing this pact. Officials in Paris have articulated their preference for an air defense system reliant on European-made equipment.

Anticipating a Secure Future

As per the agreement, the Arrow 3 system is anticipated to be delivered to Germany in the final quarter of 2025.

This delivery timeline underscores the meticulous planning and anticipation associated with the integration of this state-of-the-art technology into Germany’s air defense arsenal.


In conclusion, the signing of the deal for the Arrow 3 hypersonic missile system is a historic milestone not only for Germany and Israel but for all of Europe. This monumental agreement reflects the continent’s unwavering commitment to enhancing its collective security and resilience in the face of evolving threats.

With the Arrow 3 system soon to be at its disposal, Germany takes a significant step forward in ensuring the safety and protection of its citizens and allies, thus reinforcing the notion that cooperation and unity are the bedrock of effective defense in the modern era.