Moving from home to home can be a stressful experience for anyone, but imagine having to do it multiple times, often with very little notice. Welcome to the world of military relocations, where packing up and settling into a new place becomes a regular part of life.


If you’re part of a military family, you’ll know that these frequent moves come with unique challenges. Military relocations can be a whirlwind of emotions and logistics, from finding new schools for the kids to making new friends and adjusting to different surroundings.

But don’t worry. Whether you’re a seasoned pro at military relocations or just facing your first big move, this guide is here to lend a hand. We’ll explore some practical strategies and helpful tips to help you navigate through this phase of life.

Understanding Military Relocations

First things first, let’s get to know what military relocations are all about. Think of them as life’s way of keeping you on your toes.

Military personnel and their families often need to move from one base to another, sometimes even internationally. 

Tips for Planning Military Relocations

Military relocations can be due to a change in assignment, deployment, or other operational needs. It’s an adventure but comes with its fair share of challenges. Here’s how to deal with some of them. 

  • Start Early: Military relocations can sneak up on you, so getting a jump start on planning is wise. Create a moving checklist, gather essential documents, and begin sorting your belongings well in advance.
  • Talk to Your Family: Open communication is vital. Sit down with your family and discuss what this move means for everyone. Feelings of excitement, anxiety, or sadness are normal. Sharing these emotions can make the process smoother.
  • Seek Support: Many bases offer resources to help with military relocations. From moving services to counseling, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance.
  • Research Schools and Childcare: If you have children, looking into new schools or childcare centers ahead of time can alleviate stress. Many military communities offer excellent resources to help you find the right fit.
  • Think About the Weather: Will you move from a sunny location to a snowy one or vice versa? Consider climate change and prepare your wardrobe accordingly. You don’t want to get yourself caught in a snowstorm in flip-flops.

Making the Move: Packing and Transporting

Moving during military relocations involves more than just throwing things in boxes. It’s a carefully planned dance of logistics and emotions. Here are some key strategies to help you gracefully glide through the process.