If you’ve ever been intrigued by the prowess and fearlessness of the ancient Greek military, you’re not alone. It’s a topic that has captivated the minds of historians, military strategists, and enthusiasts alike for centuries. 


The ancient Greek military was known for its extraordinary tactics and impressive might. But did you know a significant part of their success on the battlefield points to a unique, little-known martial art form called Pankration?

This comprehensive form of combat combined elements of boxing and wrestling but with very few rules. It was a fighting technique that was as brutal as it was effective, a style of combat that was revered and feared in equal measure.

In the forthcoming sections, we’ll delve deeper into the intricacies of Pankration and how it became an integral part of the Greek military strategy.

Unraveling the Mystery: What Exactly is Pankration?

Let’s start with the basics. Pankration, which translates to “all powers,” was a martial art invented by the Ancient Greeks. Think of it as a thrilling all-out combat style where pretty much anything goes. This martial art wouldn’t look out of place in a modern-day action movie.

Pankration combined the power of boxing with the strategic grappling techniques of wrestling. Yet, unlike these two sports, it had few rules. 

The only moves off the table were biting and eye-gouging. Everything else was fair game. Yep, it was that brutal. The Ancient Greek military recognized the efficiency and practicality of such an art and incorporated it into their training.

Pankration in Practice: The Making of Fierce Warriors

Imagine being a soldier in the opposing army, facing off against a member of the Ancient Greek military. You’ve managed, perhaps by a stroke of luck, to disarm your opponent, knocking their spear or sword out of their hands. 

At that moment, you might think you’ve gained the upper hand. But here’s the kicker, you haven’t – not by a long shot.

This is where the Greek warrior’s Pankration training comes into play. Disarmed, yes, but certainly not defenseless. With the fluidity of a seasoned fighter, the Greek soldier switches to hand-to-hand combat.

Visualize those powerful fists, hardened from years of rigorous training, raining down on the enemy. The Greek warrior’s legs, just as deadly, are ready to deliver kicks with the force of a battering ram. 

If the enemy is still standing after this, the Greek soldier uses grappling techniques that would make a modern MMA fighter proud.

Take, for example, the infamous “triangle choke,” a popular MMA move that originated from Pankration. With this move, the Greek soldier would trap his opponent’s neck using his arms and legs, effectively cutting off the blood supply to the brain. 

It’s as scary as it sounds and was usually a game-ender in combat.

Translating Art Into Real Life

Pankration’s variety of techniques and seamless integration into the chaos of battle made it so effective. It’s one thing to practice these moves in a controlled training environment and another to execute them amid a life-or-death fight. 

But the warriors of the Ancient Greek military mastered this art, and in doing so, they became some of the most feared soldiers in the ancient world.

The Psychological Advantage: Fear and Respect

It wasn’t just the physical dominance that gave the Ancient Greek military the upper hand. Pankration also played a considerable role in psychological warfare on the battlefield. 

The reputation of these fearsome, highly skilled fighters often instilled dread into the hearts of their enemies, even before the battles had begun. 

After all, who wouldn’t think twice about going against a warrior trained to use every part of their body as a lethal weapon?

Pankration’s Legacy: Echoes of the Ancient Greek Military in the Modern World

Fast forward from the days of the Ancient Greek military to our modern world. Pankration’s influence reverberates loudly in the world of combat sports today.

Many techniques used in modern MMA, from powerful striking combinations to intricate grappling maneuvers, can be traced back to this age-old martial art. That’s vintage Pankration philosophy, courtesy of the Ancient Greek military.


But Pankration’s legacy extends beyond just techniques and fighting philosophies. It also carries forward a spirit of competition and excellence that defined the Ancient Greek military. 

While we might not see traditional Pankration matches in the modern world, its essence is alive in combat sports. Each time a fighter steps into the MMA cage, they unknowingly carry forward a legacy. It’s an heirloom that dates back thousands of years to the days of the Ancient Greek military.

This spirit of striving to become the best, to push one’s limits and hone the body into a perfect weapon – it’s a mentality that modern combat athletes relate to and strive for.